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well for me any girl that talks to me and smiles to me would get my attention, just be nice to him and every now and then hug him, grab his arm, whatever:biggrin: , then once he starts reciprocating simply talk to him and tell him you like him, the worst that can happen is he says no

hope this helps and good luck, go get him:wink:
Reply 2
go up to him
say hi
ask how he is
ask him ' would you like to get a drink/lunch/study together/anything...?'
if he says cool, you then say:
'cool,hi i'm (insert name)'
'nice to meet you'
see you whenever you guys agreed.

if he says no then you say
'ok thanks. i thought i'd share my free coupon/share a table/whatever.
and then go away smiling to yourself and thinkng the guy is a loser :smile:
that works too:biggrin: , just do whatever feels right and your comfortable with, dont do something if your not comfortable
Reply 4
Unless he's one of those guys that girls crowd around 24/7, he'll be really flattered that you're paying him interest. For me, the more friendly a girl is towards me, the more I like them. Just go for it and be as nice as you can without being a pushover or suckup, if you get what I mean, lol.
If you don't really know him yet, maybe just get a couple of your friends to go talk to him and his friends, then once you've all broken the ice you can start talking to him specifically and get to know him better, without it looking or feeling forced or anything.
Reply 5
Is he in the same year as you? Do you know him well?
Reply 6
do you want to go for a drink
Reply 7
Hmmmm I wonder if I could creep into this thread and ask a related quessie...
I tried to make it obvious to a guy I liked that I was interested - general flirting, dicussing Pride and Prejudice and saying things to him like 'I'm still looking for my Mr Darcy...' AND he didn't seem flattered in the least, really indifferent...
Now, I understand that he probably doesn't fancy me, but I feel really bad as to the fact he didn't seem flattered just really indifferent...I mean does he think I'm so butt ugly that it's disgusting to thik about etc?? I feel rather disgruntled. :hmmm:
Reply 8
I'm quite shy but I really like this guy at my school and want to get to know him more. The trouble is, I don't really know...
a) what to say to him,
b) how to approach him or
c) how to act around him.

I'm self-conscious so it's usually quite hard to act confident, despite confidence being the key. Any help would be really appreciated!

I'm in the same situation as you and I really need some advice on this too :redface: But this guy is in Yr 13, a year above me and I want to get to know him but it is difficult to when he's not in any of my classes. Though I know he takes Physic, same subject as me...(No, I don't stalk him, he just has Physic the same time as well :p: he he).

It's really hard to talk to someone when you don't even know them..I know how you feel..

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 9
Anyway this is what I was thinking of doing to try and get to know him, I know he's often in the library at the same time as well and that he does Physic at A2, this is the conversation I'm hoping to start:

Me: Hi, I'm Sezkin, I believe that you do Physic...
Him: yeah I do
Me: Well I was just wondering if you could help me with some of the questions I stuck on if your not busy.
Him: (no idea what he would say) but hopefully it would be a yes....

AND then i could get to know him from there...

But it'll probably end up messed up like:

Me: Hi, I'm Sezkin, I believe you do Physic...
Him: How do you know :eek:
Me: Because I see you around the physic block
Him: You stalk on me? *runs away*
Me: :frown:

But guys, how would you feel if a random girl you see around suddenly started talking to you? I need people's opinions...

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
sezkin i think your plan would work, cause i'm in year 13 and do physics and if anyone asked me for help i would cause its a crazy subject:frown: , but yeah just find something you have in common and start talking, i always think its best just to go up to them (as long as there not in an in depth convo) and just introduce yourself from there,
good luck to both of you sezkin and anonymous
Reply 11
don't try and be too subtle. most people would just miss it.
Reply 12
Erm...I know it was a thread hijack...sorta, but come on peeps - any ideas on my post above??
Reply 13
Hmmmm I wonder if I could creep into this thread and ask a related quessie...
I tried to make it obvious to a guy I liked that I was interested - general flirting, dicussing Pride and Prejudice and saying things to him like 'I'm still looking for my Mr Darcy...' AND he didn't seem flattered in the least, really indifferent...
Now, I understand that he probably doesn't fancy me, but I feel really bad as to the fact he didn't seem flattered just really indifferent...I mean does he think I'm so butt ugly that it's disgusting to thik about etc?? I feel rather disgruntled. :hmmm:

i dont get why pride and prejudice should make a guy realise you like him :s or is that just me? anyway - if he's indifferent with all the 'hinting' you're doing ask him straight out. he cant be indifferent to that!
Reply 14
Flank Runner
sezkin i think your plan would work, cause i'm in year 13 and do physics and if anyone asked me for help i would cause its a crazy subject:frown: , but yeah just find something you have in common and start talking, i always think its best just to go up to them (as long as there not in an in depth convo) and just introduce yourself from there,
good luck to both of you sezkin and anonymous

He he thanx, anyway I'm def gonna start that conversation on Monday, so hopefully he'll be in the library.:biggrin: I feel more confident to ask him now. :cool: Yeah, I'm kinda struggling with Physic, so I hope he would make me understand much better.

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 15
Is he in the same year as you? Do you know him well?

Well, he's in my French class...I don't really know him well at all. Sometimes we both get there before everyone else and talk a bit about random stuff like bands, concerts, work etc. He also lives (fairly) nearish to me.
Reply 16
Well, he's in my French class...I don't really know him well at all. Sometimes we both get there before everyone else and talk a bit about random stuff like bands, concerts, work etc. He also lives (fairly) nearish to me.

Well you've spoken to him before, you can have a better chance of talking to him more. Approach him more and say hi often when you see him, just get his attention and talk to him loads. I'm stating the obvious, but talking to the person you like definitely helps.

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 17
Think it depends on the guy. A girl coming up to me and just asking me something out of the blue freaks me out. It's wierd, but I kind of have to know the girl via something - wierd I know. That's probably partially why I can't ask a girl out. Never have before and I've had quite a few G/F's. I just feel like all girls are so unapproachable.
hey minimo,
dont know quite how to tell you this


guys in general can be meatheads at times and not understand things especially when girls are flirting, i'm a major culprit for this:redface: , but hey what ya gonna do

the best bet is to simply lay down the law and tell him, especially if you get along, as ive said the worst that can happen is he says no

and i'm 99.99% sure your not even remotely ugly, but then again i'm 99.99% sure no one is that ugly, but thats just my opinion, not law.......yet:biggrin:

so good luck to everyone and maybe :tsr2: will see a few new matchs made in heaven soon:wink:

(now just gotta sort out my own love life:frown: :cool: ):biggrin:
Reply 19
Think it depends on the guy. A girl coming up to me and just asking me something out of the blue freaks me out. It's wierd, but I kind of have to know the girl via something - wierd I know. That's probably partially why I can't ask a girl out. Never have before and I've had quite a few G/F's. I just feel like all girls are so unapproachable.

Yeah it does depend on the guy, I remember going to this party, and I really liked this lad there, he was sooo my type, so I danced with him on the dancefloor when he was with his mates. But I hardly spoken to him because he was always crowded with people, but we made so much eye contact and smiling alot with each other; I thought he might have liked me... but anyway, at the end of the night, when everyone was leaving, I had the guts to ask for his mobile number, he was kinda shocked... but accepted(I think he was freaked out) and I felt so embaressed afterwards....I'm never asking for a guy's number without talking to them first... :redface: (And now I'm just friends with this guy).:rolleyes:

:suith: Sezkin:suith: