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Reply 1
Ah, Classism.
Reply 2
Not all townies and chavs are bad. Its usually just the ones with attitude problems.
Ah, elitism masked as anti-classism.

Not going to get into yet another chav thread, suffice to say giving someone a bad reputation because they've physically threatened and abused you isn't classism. The bad reputation should serve as a warning; don't go within a mile of 'em. One of the little wankbags spat at me today for no reason whatsoever. Disgusting people.
Reply 5
When I was last in England I had some encounter with chavs - they are not very decent people. I was only walking in the city and they asked first for the time und then they were saying South Park things to me like "you killed kenny, you bastard" (I have a Cartman tshirt on). Also they threw something at the back of my head which hurt a little.

I did nothing to provoke them to do these things, I was just walking. I think this is why people do not like them; they are just not nice to people who aren't like them.
Ah, Classism.

Unashamedly. If they're going to behave like ****ing scum, then they deserve nothing better than to be treated as such.
Reply 7
Unashamedly. If they're going to behave like ****ing scum, then they deserve nothing better than to be treated as such.

But 'classism' has nothing to do with the way in which people behave.
Does being born into a particular social class make you superior to those less fortunate than you? After all, we have no control over the circumstances into which we are born. Or perpaps we do. Perhaps you know something I don't. :confused:
Reply 8
But 'classism' has nothing to do with the way in which people behave.
Does being born into a particular social class make you superior to those less fortunate than you? After all, we have no control over the circumstances into which we are born. Or perpaps we do. Perhaps you know something I don't. :confused:

With no classes we are communist and that does not work (like Stalin!). Classes are needed by society to have order.
People tend to have a different definition of what is a chav. Many say it's just the clothes they wear others say it's that and how they behave too. I've come across some alright chavs myself but that is obviously going by the clothes only example.
To be fair, if you're defining "chav" as a class, what's wrong with hating a class made out of ****? If you're assuming all working class are chavs, then it's you being classist.
Reply 11
See, with chavs tis doesnt matter how wealthy or class they are from but a chav is a chav! At my school there were some lads whose parents were loaded yet they were as chav as the lads from the council estate. On my street this lad 1/2 year younger, parents own a carpet selling company and skip company....he is as chav as another lad who go suspended then expelled from my school. They think they are propa LA gang bangers, hangin wit da homies.....ha they would get a cap in their asses from homies and essies!
At college, people always used to call them 'scallys' until i realised people used chav/townie more. Doesn't change my perception of them though - they are tracksuit wearing *****.
Reply 13
With no classes we are communist and that does not work (like Stalin!). Classes are needed by society to have order.

Nothing posted on tsr before has ever made me laugh so hard
Reply 14
With no classes we are communist and that does not work (like Stalin!). Classes are needed by society to have order.

One word... Prick.
I tend to find that the best way to deal with townies/chavs/neds is to swiftly pick them up by the neck, drop them on their head and proceed tokick them exceptionally hard in the nads. Did that once and funnily enough never been bothered by them again. Word must have went out on the townie/chav/ned grapevine. . . .
People never understand that anti-Chavism is not about class. 'Chav' (Charver) is really just another name for a yob. If a person is not a yob, he is also not a Chav.
The correct term is 'charva' actually :P and they are all lazy, arrogant little ***** who are destined to be on the dole their whole lives.
With no classes we are communist and that does not work (like Stalin!). Classes are needed by society to have order.

In theory communism works very well. Its problem is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

chavs are violent binge drinking, old lady mugging, no respect for anyone, drug taking, waste of space, dole stealing little gits that need to be eradicating from this planet.

but this thread had been done to death
Reply 19
Let me just ask, why do people say "chav" when its "charv"?? I mean wtf is a chav? :confused: If people are going to steal the original Geordie term and use to nation-wide, then they could atleast say it properly.

Anyway - charvs drive me insane, they have such an attitude problem. Although I was quite a hit with them at my previous school as I use to sell the knocked down in price cigarettes, I had a little black book going and everything!