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the pill-pains in leg

i've just started taking the pill, been taking it since monday. yesterday i had pains in my leg/calf a bit like after you've had cramp for ages. it wasn't that painful so i left it and took a pill last night. now it still hurts a bit when i walk and when i press on it, it's not swollen, well at least i don't think so, and i don't have pains anywhere else. it sort of feels like the veins are bigger or that something's trapped though.

i'm scared it might be thrombosis/a blood clot, or maybe the veins are just swollen or something. it's not that bad and i don't want to get worried if it's nothing, but should i stop taking them?

also, what can happen if i carry on taking it? would it be dangerous? because i really need to, i don't want to mess it up now by stopping and starting and i want to give it time to work so i don't get pregnant. but i don't want anything to happen to me either!
Reply 1
Don't worry - it's probably just coz you're thinking about the increased risk of a blood clot which comes with taking the pill. It's true that the chances are higher of developing a clot, but they're still really low and a tiny percentage of women on the pill have one.

When I was on the pill I found I got cramp in my leg more often too. I doubt it's anything to worry about. After cramp you do usually get a sore area for a bit which takes time to settle down.

Hope that eases your mind, Bottekrank x
Reply 2
Ring the NHS direct, they're almost definitely the best people to speak to about this at this time of night on a Saturday.
Reply 3
From the number of threads on problems and side-effects of the pill, all I can say is that I'm glad I'm male.
Reply 4
I get pains at the top of my left leg and right at the bottom of my abdomen, which I'm pretty sure is down to the pill. I'm coming off the pill once I've finished this pack because I'm fed up of the side-effects...back to ridiculously heavy periods for me! :frown:
Reply 5
blood clots are a risk with the pill, go straight back to your doctor, i remeber being asked by my doctor if i've exsprinced and pain in myleg. it doeant mean u have to stop taking it, u just might be put on a diffrent type to the one ur on which i'm guessing is the combined.
I get pains every few days in my calfs/calves which feels like the bloods kinda stuck, if you understand? I take the pill as well so kinda getting worried now!
If anyone has any doubts/worries/concerns over their Pill, seek help as soon as possible, especially of you think it may be a sign of a thrombosis, as it can become a very serious problem. Even if it turns out not to be, at least you'll feel better knowing you're fine!
Reply 8
go see your GP as soon as possible. thats all i can say on this matter, only they can advise you on this.
I get pains at the top of my left leg and right at the bottom of my abdomen, which I'm pretty sure is down to the pill. I'm coming off the pill once I've finished this pack because I'm fed up of the side-effects...back to ridiculously heavy periods for me! :frown:

if your periods really are heavy and its a real issue for you then go back to your GPs.
The pill is always 1st line treatment, but 2nd line is some drugs called mefenamic acid and tranexamic acid. They work for some people, but generally aren't that great. [but as they say you have to be in it to win it]
Go back to your GP, and just consult him/her either way.

i hope you're ok. when i started the pill, i got this and i went to see my doctor. he told me i was fine, and then the pain stopped... i think it was all in my head, as i was worried about the risk. weird, but true. i just needed reassurance.
Stop. See your doctor immediatly, i have never heard of the pill causing pain although lots of you seem to have it! You should definatley seek medical advice.