The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I lament questions such as this one.
play the truth game, you take it in turns to answer each others questions, helps you get to know people:smile:
Reply 3
i know him v v well already, its just with him being at uni and not seeing hm much it makes talking a bit difficult
Reply 4
You: "so, got any chick in your sights at the moment?"
Them: "Nope"
You: "kthx"

edit: Ohhh its a him.

Reply 5
im a girl, the person i am trying to talk to is a guy...its just cos we know so much about each other and talk so much that sometimes there is nothign left to say but i love talking to him....HELP
Reply 6
well if you know each other so well ask him about his hobbies and sports/music/classes, just general chit chat like you do with your friends, and if your hoping for romance, just start flirting and slipping in compliments, but thats all the advice ive got for you

Reply 8
Theres nothing wrong with silence, as long as its not all the time. sometimes me and my closest friends are silent, esp if we have spent a couple of days together, but i dont find it uncomfortable.
I find general chat about uni, nights out etc are good topics. it would be easier if it was a girl, then you could talk about shoes, clothes, hair and makeup, but this probably wouldnt interest him! :smile:
Reply 9
Comfortable silences are vastly underrated.
Reply 10
Start a conversation on your inability to make conversation. The boy will applaud your brilliantly self-referential sense of humour.
Sport? Girls, if your not interested. TV.
Once you start a convo youll probably beable to carry on like noones business.
What your going to do the next day....
Reply 13
2 5 +
Start a conversation on your inability to make conversation. The boy will applaud your brilliantly self-referential sense of humour.

Good man.