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Reply 1
I desperately need your help. I need some tips in handelling prejudice/racism, I'm not very good/don't have great social skills and am not close to my parents.

Recently got targeted then harassed yesterday, wasn's sure how to handle. Prolly didn't handle that well.


Well what happened and how did they act? :confused: Maybe if you were more specific, you would be most likely to gain better advices.

Btw why are you calling all 'black or coloured women'? surely anyone could help no matter what their colour is.

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Well what happened and how did they act? :confused: Maybe if you were more specific, you would be most likely to gain better advices.

Btw why are you calling all 'black or coloured women'? surely anyone could help no matter what their colour is.

:suith: Sezkin:suith:

if the poster is genuine, then they really are socially arkward about skin colour.
as for what to do about racist remarks it requires context.
If the situation is possibly threatening, just walk away.
If the situation is one you can control, then confront.
Reply 3
What does "coloured" mean in this context? Isn't it an archaic term?

I agree with the posts above, why can't you open the post up to everyone?
Reply 4
What does "coloured" mean in this context? Isn't it an archaic term?

I agree with the posts above, why can't you open the post up to everyone?

Quite. I daresay she's giving 'anonymous' a bad name; so to speak.
Reply 5
You have to brush racism off. It's going to happen - mindless thugs out there still think it's right to judge by skin colour - and there is nothing you can do about it.

As stated above, more detail would be helpful though.
Reply 6
Well firstly by 'Calling all black females (or coloured women)' you are yourself creating an us and them attitude. There are many of us 'white folk' who would be more than happy to help you and give advice.

I guess that if the abuse you received upset you so much then report it to either a member of staff (in school, college, university) or if it didn't happen in one of those places then report it to the police. There is not much more you can do really apart from ignore them - not easy I understand.
Reply 7
Basicly you should do what I always see young black women doing, if anyone makes a sideways but non racist comment at you because you are being a douche you should jump up in their face and start screaming "ARE YOU A RACIST OR SUMMIN" this way you can avoid any racist comments for sure.
Reply 8
I desperately need your help. I need some tips in handelling prejudice/racism, I'm not very good/don't have great social skills and am not close to my parents.

Recently got targeted then harassed yesterday, wasn's sure how to handle. Prolly didn't handle that well.


Not calling people 'coloured' would probably be a start. Frankly if someone started on me for whatever reason (but particularly something as hideous as racism) I'd probably get fairly violent. People who say violence isn't the answer probably haven't had a face full of glass before.
Oh Sweetie, the tortured life of a black female. Seriously though, racism hurts, loads. I had a guy call me a 'coloured bitch' at work, So i hid his glasses that he paid £400 for ha, ha ,ha. Twas very funny.
I think being able to cope with racist comments comes from within, if you are proud of who you are and your heritage then a couple of comments might hurt, but they will not damage you. So my advice will be work on developing your confidence, cause I think its lacking.
I also agree with the above thread, anybody can advise you on how to handle prejudice white or black. But I am black ( I think) and if you need anymore advice feel free to PM me.
Reply 10
^^^ I agree
Reply 11
I believe in Karma that gets me through most small minded people's insults. But that is regardless of whetehr it is focused on my colour or not.
Reply 12
What does "coloured" mean in this context? Isn't it an archaic term?

Not really, I still hear it quite often in a perfectly unprejudiced way. I think you're being a bit hypersensitive if you're going to complain about something as innocent as that.

I would use it if that was the word that sprang to mind at the time.

Anyway, to the OP, a well placed '**** off' is probably ideal for any situation.
Reply 13
I'm from the Southern part of the US and being called colored/coloured is a no-no. But I do believe that it's different in the UK?

Being from the States I'm sure that I've encountered a completely different form of racism then say 'Blacks' in the UK. Yes, this person could have asked people (in general) their take on racism and how they handle it but racism in many ways will affect different people diferently( in regards to race, sex, class, and etc).

The best way to handle racism is to ignore it (unless it gets physical). Ignoring that person will make them feel stupid in the end. Show them that you are above their ignorance.

You should come with more details anonymous:smile:
Reply 14
Btw why are you calling all 'black or coloured women'? surely anyone could help no matter what their colour is.

Quite. I daresay she's giving 'anonymous' a bad name; so to speak.

Maybe she wants peolple who identify personally. It's different when you're actually the one being targeted instead of someone who hears about racism. I agree that people of all races can give advice, but sometimes it's not the same as hearing it from somone who's experienced the same thing.
Reply 15
How ironic the title of this post is......
Reply 17
ok FINE I will start a thread on how to handle prejudice then!!

Man, what is it with some people :rolleyes: The reason why I started this thread is because I needed some help/reassurance and sought after people who had experienced similar things to me.

But anyway I guess if it's offending people, feel free to CLOSE this thread and I will start another. :smile:
Reply 18
I'd still like more detail. Do you feel that you interact with racist people on a daily basis or is there one specific incident that you have in mind?
Reply 19
I'm from the Southern part of the US and being called colored/coloured is a no-no. But I do believe that it's different in the UK?

Being from the States I'm sure that I've encountered a completely different form of racism then say 'Blacks' in the UK. Yes, this person could have asked people (in general) their take on racism and how they handle it but racism in many ways will affect different people differently( in regards to race, sex, class, and etc).

The best way to handle racism is to ignore it (unless it gets physical). Ignoring that person will make them feel stupid in the end. Show them that you are above their ignorance.

You should come with more details anonymous:smile:

Personally I don't like being called 'coloured', it seems to be the word people use to decibel a black person to try and no be offensive, but why would i be offended if you call me 'black' because that is what I am. If someone calls me coloured though I dont get offended, i just correct them and tell them I am black and to refer to me as such. It's not offensive. What does annoy me is when other black people use the term 'coloured'! We are black people we are black and shouldn't be afraid to say so.

To those of you that think the poster is being racist in asking for advice from black people, I don't think the poster is, she simply wants to hear from people with a similar background that have probably gone through these things themselves. I'm not saying a white person could not advice, some of the advice has been very valid. But it isn't quite the same because I doubt most white people have been been racially abused (although I have heard of it happening).

As mentioned before the best thing you can do is ignore people that are being racist, it's hard and I would be lying if I said I have never reacted in a racist situation, but that was when I was a lot younger. The best way to get to a racist person is too ignore them, and if you see them all the time make sure you do well in whatever you are doing. And if you need to, make formal complaints etc.

Hope that helps!