The Student Room Group

My life is messed up

I have sort of been trundling along for a few months now, flirting with this girl I work with, i allways assumed we would end up going out, i once even asked her out and she said yes, but then forgot about it (we were both drunk at the time).
So she invited herself round my house on friday, and when my parents had gone to bed we started messing around. Next day at work i find out she is actually going out with someone and feel really guilty whenever i see him. Then when i was talking about it with her yesterday, she said she didnt know why she said yes when he asked her out and would rather be with me. I dont want to hurt the boy shes going out with more but i really like her.
What should i do
Reply 1
Who is this boy she is with? Your friend? Is he a good friend... you need to tell us more about him.
Reply 2
Stay the **** away for now!

Let her sort out her stuff with him first, and then sort it out with her when she's single. Maybe she's just liking you both etc.

Best thing is to keep clear until she's single and then decide whether you two should get something going.
Reply 3
Stay the **** away for now!

Let her sort out her stuff with him first, and then sort it out with her when she's single. Maybe she's just liking you both etc.

Best thing is to keep clear until she's single and then decide whether you two should get something going.
Reply 4
Who is this boy she is with? Your friend? Is he a good friend... you need to tell us more about him.

Not really a friend, hes okay to get on with but i dont know him too well
Yeah i would tell her to sort it out with him, decide what she wants first, stay away until then, if you dont it willonly cause trouble for yourself.

Once she has made up her mind, if she decides to finish him and be with you thats great! If not then say ok and move on!

But seriously, i wouldnt do anything util then that could cause trouble for you.

And if she fnishes with the other guy, make sure she doesnt mention that its because she likes you.. that will only cause trouble as the guy would probably blame you!

Hope you get it sorted :smile:
Reply 6
Not really a friend, hes okay to get on with but i dont know him too well

To be honest then, forget about him. Staying away from your mates girls is one thing, but just some random guy... no loyalty required there. Besides, if she doesn't wanna be with him, you'd be doing him a favour. Just make it clear to this girl that yeah, you are interested, but if anything is going to happen between you and her, she needs to finish things with this other guy first (preferably - though not essential, depending on your thoughts on this gray area?).

Loads of guys wouldn't have a second thought about going after your g/f - even some peoples mates wouldn't have a second thought about going after their mate's g/f - so why should you be go all ethical for some guy whos not even a mate? I know it may sound harsh, but thats life. You gotta take care of number one, and do what's right for you. Have no regrets. Think where this could lead, and if you don't do anything you'll regret it.

Go for it!