I was just wondering when it became the norm to have casual sex and one night stands? I was out with a friend last night who has a boyfriend and she ended up sleeping with some other random guy she met. I was the only one who found this tacky, slutty and just wrong, the rest of my friends seemed to find this perfectly normal. Even if she hadn't had a boyfriend, it just seems really desperate to sleep with someone you just met. I felt embarrassed for her. The worst thing is she bragged about it to me this morning as if she was really special to find someone to 'hook up with'. She asked me if I had and when I said no she seemed to feel sorry for me or something??! As if I couldn't find anyone. I have had literally a million chances to have a one night stand, including last night but never even considered saying yes. I just feel like its a lack of self respect, giving your body to some randomer. I would feel really cheap, but it seems like everyone is doing it. It appears to be the standard way to begin a relationship, which goes against everything I ever believed (date someone for a month or two and *then* sex). Am I being unrealistic and old fashioned for thinking I can meet someone who won't expect sex the first night?