The Student Room Group

My beautiful complexion!


I started a new profile cuz I didn't want to be embarrassed! Lol!

Basically, I kissed dis gurl a week n half ago in club and went back to hers and I'm not really sure what happened cuz I was pretty wasted but I think we just kissed. The next morning I had little spots around my mouth, I NEVER get spots I am very luck like that and the spots have been growing and growing and spreading over my face. I didnt think you cud catch spots frm kissing and stuff so what is going on?

Any advice appreciatted!
Reply 1
You do know about the anonymous button?
Chicken Pox..
No wait.
She was probably a sweater.
All greased up
Around the face.
And that made you spotty.
Ps. I hate you for your once beautiful complexion.
Reply 3
maybe you were allergic to her lipstick/lipgloss
Reply 4
if they are just spots, then its probably something simple like a lipgloss your lips were not so happy with.
but if they're like coldsores, its a different story.
euch! Herpes!

Nah, just kidding.

Probably just you didn't like something she had on make-up wise but they could be coldsores. If that's the case, don't kiss anyone else until they go away of you could spread it.
The fact that they are spreading makes me concerned for you. Depending on how long they last, you need to get that looked at. If they look like they are fading, then you are lucky, but if they look like they are getting worse...
Reply 7
nah trust me blad, its an STI....manz a doctor brrrrra
Use a mask. Alternatively, you could use some cold sore / herpes cream? Quite common, and not dangerous.
Reply 9
Spots? What kind of spots? are they red, black, small, large? do they look like acne? Is your face puffy?
I doubt anything would have come up that fast had it been transferred from her to be honest. I'd hazard a guess at it just being an occasional break-out.

or an allergy to her make-up.

Reply 11
I get that when guys have stubble, but i hope she didnt! :biggrin: youre prob just allergic to her make up, or you just have spots! if youve been going out a lot, drinking and not getting much sleep, it probably wont help your complexion. if they are all coldsores, i think you would know, it would be very painful if you had a lot of them!
Reply 12
If they start looking like scabs, not spots, it could be impatigo. If they do start looking like this go to the doctor for some anti-bacterial cream because it spreads like crazy and is highly infectious. xx
Reply 13
Sounds like herpes to me go to the gp
Reply 14
It's bird flu mate
If they start looking like scabs, not spots, it could be impatigo. If they do start looking like this go to the doctor for some anti-bacterial cream because it spreads like crazy and is highly infectious. xx

Yeah i developed impetigo after kissing a new partner before- they were very sore, red and develop into scabs.... make sure you go see a doctor.