The Student Room Group

liking ur teacher

does any1 here have a crush on their teacher? i mean not like in a way where u think there can b somthing between u (because there cant!) but u cant stop thinkin about them and u wait all day long just to see them which makes ur day. what can u do about it though because like i sed u dont even want anything to happen..but its like u hate feelin like that towards them.
oh when i say u i mean i!

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Reply 1
wow well what can u do? i suppose u can try fancying sum1 who u no u can hav if u get me.. to mayb get ur mind off the teacher. dyu like the teacher coz of luks or personality?..coz if its deeper than luks than i guess itll b harder to work out. just out of curiosity r u male or female?
Reply 2
if only we were still educated during the edwardian period.

none of these teacher-student relationships or crushes would be taking place; the moustaches would put an end to it all.
Reply 3
im a girl. i dunno, well the teacher is gud lukin i wud say..but not fit. theres just sumthing about him that makes him special. how cheesy is that! but i cant stop thinkin about him all the time. aaah! he married/have a girlfriend? Does he have kids? How old is he?
Sorry if I seem nosey, is just that it could help you assess your chances . . .
Reply 5
im a girl. i dunno, well the teacher is gud lukin i wud say..but not fit. theres just sumthing about him that makes him special. how cheesy is that! but i cant stop thinkin about him all the time. aaah!

How old is he? For a lot of girls its teachers in their 50's which is funny. Anyway the feeling will fade try and focus on a guy you like whos your own age.
Reply 6
As long as it's human, it can be liked...
Reply 7
How old is he? For a lot of girls its teachers in their 50's which is funny. Anyway the feeling will fade try and focus on a guy you like whos your own age.

ewww no he must be in early 30s. yeh but the thing is ive had this crush 4 3 years now! thats what i keep thinkin that itll fade but it hasnt. and its not like i dont fancy other guys..but whenever i see him i still feel like that towards him.
Reply 8
ewww no he must be in early 30s. yeh but the thing is ive had this crush 4 3 years now! thats what i keep thinkin that itll fade but it hasnt. and its not like i dont fancy other guys..but whenever i see him i still feel like that towards him.

Its a lot more likely to fade if you are not seeing him at school, right now you are probably worried about leaving school and not seeing him ever again, but you won't be as bothered about him. If that made sense..
[QUOTE="Anonymous"]does any1 here have a crush on their teacher? i mean not like in a way where u think there can b somthing between u (because there cant!) but u cant stop thinkin about them and u wait all day long just to see them which makes ur day. what can u do about it though because like i sed u dont even want anything to happen..but its like u hate feelin like that towards them.
oh when i say u i mean i![/QUOTE

i feel the exact same way, i have this massive crush on my old teacher, he taught me in 03/04 and i still see him every day, i dont think there would ever be anything between us, but i cant stop thinking about him, i worry about leaving school and never seeing him again. i dont want anything to happen, but i hate feeling this way towards him, cos its 'breaking' me inside knowing that nothing is going to happen between us. i have tried everything to put myself off him

PM me if you want...
Reply 10
wow well what can u do? i suppose u can try fancying sum1 who u no u can hav if u get me.. to mayb get ur mind off the teacher. dyu like the teacher coz of luks or personality?..coz if its deeper than luks than i guess itll b harder to work out. just out of curiosity r u male or female?

If only we could write proper words instead of txt language. It doesnt cost you extra...
If only we could write proper words instead of txt language. It doesnt cost you extra...

sorry...cant help it
Reply 12
does any1 here have a crush on their teacher? i mean not like in a way where u think there can b somthing between u (because there cant!) but u cant stop thinkin about them and u wait all day long just to see them which makes ur day. what can u do about it though because like i sed u dont even want anything to happen..but its like u hate feelin like that towards them.
oh when i say u i mean i!

i have a crush on my evil chemistry teacher...she's married with 2 kids...:eek:

i always wish that she'd be my mom...:redface:
Reply 13
You have a crush? and yet you wish she'd be your mom too?
Reply 14
You have a crush? and yet you wish she'd be your mom too?

yeah, apparently...

dunno what to do... i always stare at her in chem class... but there's this girl who sits in front of me... and the girl thinks that i'm staring at HER instead... she asked me today:eek:
Reply 15
i have a crush on my evil chemistry teacher...she's married with 2 kids...:eek:

i always wish that she'd be my mom...:redface:

This is interesting that you wish for her to be a mother figure to you.

One of the teachers at my school is really nice, almost like a mother to us. I know I'm perfectly straight, but for a small period I wondered if I had a slight crush on her. When I thought about it however, I never saw myself as having a relationship with her, in fact I just wished for her to mother me.

It's quite easy to mix up the emotions. People like people for various different reasons, but are sometimes slightly quick to group all of the positive reasons together and assume it must be love/attraction, like I did.
Reply 16
i have a crush on my evil chemistry teacher...she's married with 2 kids...:eek:

i always wish that she'd be my mom...:redface:

Who's got the Oedipus Complex? :biggrin: Nothing to be ashamed of.
hey i fancy the pants off my teacher but its not really his looks i go 4 (he is handsomish, mid30s i think), but his personality.. ive had a crush on hm for like 5yrs tho..?!

It's quite easy to mix up the emotions. People like people for various different reasons, but are sometimes slightly quick to group all of the positive reasons together and assume it must be love/attraction, like I did.

Positive emotions are always easy to confuse. It's why a lot of early to mid teens think they're bisexual (or bicurious) when they're not. Generally, mistaking admiration and respect for sexual attraction or "a crush".
Reply 19
It's pretty easy to stop yourself from fancying people out of your reach. Or is that just me. :rolleyes: