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Reply 1
Yes, thats definitely why you've never had a boyfriend.
Reply 2
Yes it would put me off... only because I'm 6'4 though...
Reply 3
I am very short (5ft 1 and 3/4) personally. In my experience, alot of guys seem to little tiny girls. Actually, I haven't had a bazillion boyfriends but the ones I have had have all been quite tall.

Don't worry about your height. Just remember, you are small and cute :biggrin: As for looking 14/15 when you are twenty, you will appreciate it when you are older and desperate to look young.
Reply 4
nah..I don't think size is the single decising factor in a guy's mind to be honest. You just haven't clicked with the right guy yet, there's no shame there

I suppose, though to a lot it is shameful:redface:
Reply 5
Yes it would put me off... only because I'm 6'4 though...

I know plenty of really tall guys who like small girls.
Reply 6
I'm with hitman on this one, I don't like small girls in general as I'm 6ft 2, though I'm not sure if thats the reason.
Nah the height of a girl doesn't bother me - in fact, I've got a bit of a crush on a new friend, shes just under 5ft at 21 years old!
Reply 8
I know plenty of really tall guys who like small girls.
I'd just feel akward and like I was going to squash them...
Nah the height of a girl doesn't bother me - in fact, I've got a bit of a crush on a new friend, shes just under 5ft at 21 years old!

was that really worth posting anonymously?

Honestly this feature is just pathetic, people posting insignificant things under anonymous, really is a joke.
serious narb
was that really worth posting anonymously?

Honestly this feature is just pathetic, people posting insignificant things under anonymous, really is a joke.

aww he probs just doesnt wnat any1 knowing that he has a crush on his friend.
Reply 11
serious narb
was that really worth posting anonymously?

Honestly this feature is just pathetic, people posting insignificant things under anonymous, really is a joke.

I agree people are anonymous on here with their username anyway, no one really knows who you are, then again I use anon a lot.
serious narb
was that really worth posting anonymously?

Honestly this feature is just pathetic, people posting insignificant things under anonymous, really is a joke.

Perhaps he doesn't want the friend to find out by seeing it on the internet?? :rolleyes:
Perhaps he doesn't want the friend to find out by seeing it on the internet?? :rolleyes:

and you had to say that as anonymous too?

honestly is pathetic
Reply 14
I'd just feel akward and like I was going to squash them...

Put them on top then... I thought guys liked small girls cos they could throw them around and stuff and feel all big and powerful next to them. I'd want a tiny girl if I was a guy.
I might be very impractical for a tall person to be with a smaller person. Both will develop cricks in their necks for life. In bed, the chest is the only thing that can be kissed. The tall one can hide things on high shelving and thus piss off the small one.

A stepladder may be benefitial in such a relationship. :biggrin:
Reply 16
Put them on top then... I thought guys liked small girls cos they could throw them around and stuff and feel all big and powerful next to them. I'd want a tiny girl if I was a guy.
I didn't particually mean whilst sexing, I just mean in general. Stood next to them, talking and such.
now i come to think about it, almost all the girls ive been intersted in are way small!!!!! its wierd i'd never noticed before.... thats my random comment for the night! :smile:
now i come to think about it, almost all the girls ive been intersted in are way small!!!!! its wierd i'd never noticed before.... thats my random comment for the night! :smile:

You need to WORK. On your grammar.
Reply 19
small girls can be properly cute i wud say

Tall girls freak me out I duno why (thought of them beating my ass up)