The Student Room Group

Right person wrong time?

I was reading a few weeks back an article written by a bloke about all the exes he'd had before he met his wife and it got me thinking about exes of mine where I wish I'd done things differently.

I know it's not a good idea to dwell on the past but do you think you can ever or should ever go back if you get the opportunity? Like you meet someone amazing but for whatever reason it doesn't work out....should you hold out hope of a chance coming round with them again or put it down to them being the right person who just came along at the wrong time for you?
Reply 1
Ive been thinking about this a lot recently. I think going back isnt a bad thing but it does depend heavily on the circumstances that led to the relationship ending, I mean if it just wasnt going to work out because of somthing like going off to uni then whats wrong with trying again a few years later? but if its not working out and it end coz one of you cheats then its best left alone.

I broke up with a girl who I really loved, and my family loved her too, but it got to a point where I wasnt happy in my job and wanted a new career, I had tried all the avenues except uni, eventually I considered uni and she was talking bout us moving close to a uni together, in the end she decided she didnt want to move away from her family so we broke up. But not a day goes by I dont think what if
Reply 2
Good question, I think it is possible to go back though, attitudes and feelings change over time and what might not have been right at the time could certainly change in the future.
Reply 3
Definitely. (only if you're single)