The Student Room Group
Reply 1
this is a question only your GP can answer properly. going to your doctor and being prescribed anti - hypertensives ?

oh and try to relax a little!
qwerty_st/n going to your doctor and being prescribed anti - hypertensives ?

oh and try to relax a little!

diet ,exercise, medication , not smoking, cutting down on the booze, not stressing over it ...
Reply 4
I had high blood pressure this time last year - had to have blood tests, heart scan as it was quite dangerous.
I cut salt out of my diet - I used to add quite a lot to meals - now I can taste it so much in food - used to love gammon and can't eat it anymore! However, this didn't help.
The doctor also changed my pill - this did appear to help!

Stress also causes high blood pressure.
Reply 5
have an aspirin a day! and look after your diet.
Reply 6
i've got low blood pressure, can i have some of your blood pressure then we'll both be fine :smile:
Reply 7
yeah you should go to your gp and have it checked out. a real close mate of mine has it and he had to go and have loads of tests, 24hour blood pressure moniter the lot, but this was only because it didnt go down.
make sure you eat breakfast in the morning, have a healthy diet, do regular excersise etc if it doesnt go down do go to your gp
have an aspirin a day!

whoever told you that needs shooting.
If you're a girl, and on the contraceptive pill, your doctor should prescribe you a different brand.
Otherwise, the general cutting down on booze, eliminating fags, using less salt, and eating fewer fatty foods should help.
As everyone has said, your doctor or nurse to did the blood pressure check should be able to give you more information, and there are always loads of leaflets about high blood pressure, in doctors surgeries, in the waiting rooms!
Reply 10
diet and exercise.