Ok, this is a tricky situation, and i'll try to give as much info as i can without allowing myself to go on too much.
It involves a guy I met 14 months ago. We met while I was on a gap year, and I already had my place at Oxford waiting for me that September. We got n really well and had so much in common. Early on in the relationship, I fell pregnant with his baby. I'm 20 and had leukaemia as a child. Due to the extensive chemotherapy I'd received, the doctor's were almost certain I'd be infertile as an adult. This remains the opinion; several oncologists and gynacologists have since told me that i'd be unlikely to have children in the future. My boyfriend wanted nothing to do with the child, and made it clear that it was my decision, not his, to progress with it. I'd like to point ouyt that I'm highly ambitious, and am currently happy and content in Oxford, and that I made the right decision to abort the baby. I mention this as it is something of a conflict in my life; and has given me a different outlook on life to that of my friend's.
We got back together during the sumer shortly before I went to University, before splitting again in October. We never spoke of what happened, he never raised the subject. The split was short-lived and we started seeing each other again from November-early December. Before Christmas, he'd started to behave really nastily towards me and was clearly quite resentful. This was when he'd say things to imply that he see other girls, although he'd always laugh it off by saying that he was joking. This is something I wont tolerate, and although I'm sure he hasnt been seeing other girls, the way he was treating me made me miserable. It seemed as though he was keeping something from me, and that this was making him behave in this way. I sent him a text message to call off our relatiuonship and suggested that we delete each others numbers. He then text me a couple of days before christmas to wish me a happy christmas and new year etc. He then text me on new years eve. I clearly couldnt resist the temptation, and text him, merely asking if he'd had a good new year and asking as to his mothers health. She isnt well and is awaiting a kidney transplant. Anyway, we ended up seeing each other again, although werent strictly 'together'. Had he asked, I would certainly have been. We stopped seeing each other when I returned back to Oxford after the holidays. I went to New York shortly after, for a week, and text him when I got back, asking how he was. He replied that it was 'none of your business'. I asked if he'd like to meet up that evening, and he told me that he was 'now in a relationship' so couldnt. I suppose we were merely 'bed buddies' (i hate similar terms, so i'll go with that one) so It wasnt as though he'd done anything terrible. I replied with a message telling him that I wanted him to be happy and that i hoped it went well with this new girl, and that I hoped his mother would receive the transplant that she needed. And besides, there was a guy in my college who'd invited me out for drinks. I know him fairly well, and i've since been seeing a lot of him, and it's clearly progressing into something. As far as my ex was concerned, I was 'kind of seeing someone' as i'd put it.
I honestly thought this would be the last time I'd speak to him. HOWEVER, this is where my dilemma begins. He text me on Thursday, 5 weeks later, asking ''how are you''. After I had responded and reciprocated the question, he asked me to send him a picture! I didnt. He text me again on Saturday asking ''where's that picture then''. I replied telling him that he's really something else, because i genuiely was surprised. wasn't much he could say so he just replied with '' ok sugar, take care''.
Basically.. what on earth is this all about? May I stress that he isnt an idiot. He's a successful stockbroker thats five years older than me, so we aren't a silly pair of kids. I utterly adore him, and will always do so. Why is he doing this and is there anything I should do in terms of a course of action? Really not sure how I feel, but I certainly know that this has really occupied my mind since thursday.
Any interpretations on his behaviour/the situation appreciated. Many thanks in advance x