The Student Room Group

Summer Exam Timetable

Eeep! The provisional has been released! Doesn't look too bad though.

I have a question for maths/phys, maths/stat or MORSE students... for the purposes of linear algebra and analysis are we counted as non-maths students (since we had different lectures to them)? I think that's what I put for the assessment method on OMR ages ago and I'm sure I know someone who checked then, but I just wanted to make sure...
Reply 1
Where can you see this? I only got the april examination timetable...
Reply 3
nvm, found it. Dont like having automata & formal languages and Logic for CS right after eachother, but I'll live (hopefully)
Heh.. I notice my bf has finished all his before I even start mine...
Shouldn't be too bad, max. of two a day but they're only an hour each. 3 hours of analysis though... bleugh.
Reply 5
I only have 4 exams, hehe :smile:
Reply 6
I'm down to 7 this year, which is a vast improvement over last year's 11! Though I'm not impressed cos I'm doing a language module so my last exam is on 6th June - over a week after my other exams finish :frown:
Jenn xx
Reply 7
7. I'm not a science student. They should not do this to me. Only three 3hr-ones though. :wink:
Reply 8
I'm down to 7 this year, which is a vast improvement over last year's 11! Though I'm not impressed cos I'm doing a language module so my last exam is on 6th June - over a week after my other exams finish :frown:
Jenn xx

My last one is on 13th of June! Grrr (have 7, starting 20th of May, but also have April ones).
Reply 9
5 this year :smile:

Finished by 26/5.

A lot better than my 12 or so last year.
Reply 10
I'm a first year maths student and I can't access my exam timetable through mywarwick. Is it because I don't have any April exams? Or is there some sort of problem? If that's not the way of accessing the timetable who did you all do it?
Reply 11
Original post by sb2star
I'm a first year maths student and I can't access my exam timetable through mywarwick. Is it because I don't have any April exams? Or is there some sort of problem? If that's not the way of accessing the timetable who did you all do it?