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Reply 1
Just go to your doctor!
Reply 2
Just go to your doctor!

Not the response i wanted :mad:

It can't be serious enough to see a doctor....right :frown:
Reply 3
this happened to me. i went to the doctor and all i had to do was start taking natural tablet things and it stopped. it can be serious but u will find that your doctor has seen this problem so many times so its not uncommon. i would see the doctor though just in case. it cud be something as simple as your diet.
Reply 4
I'm sorry, but bleeding when you poo can be caused by many things, which people on here are not qualified to diagnose. If you are worried about someting then relying on the advice of people on here is not the best thing. Bleeding when you poo is something I would DEFINITELY go and see the doctor about. Better to be safe than sorry.
or it could be piles?
Reply 6
It could.... If you are going to the toilet and there is an open wound I believe that's not the best thing....
It's not my area of proffesion but it could get infected no?
Doctor is my tip too. You can never be too sure.
Reply 7
it totally depends on how often, the colour of the blood and where abouts it happens. e,g. if it is dark dried blood that means that you are bleeding inside your body and therefore cud be quite serious. if it is bright red it cud be piles or merely where your stools are too hard to pass and are hurting you causing minor bleeding. but either way you re going to have to see a doctor because id be suprised if it went away by itself although sometimes a rip of some sort can heal itself.its still worth a check up! dont panic!
the abrasive manner in which you wipe your bum? It does happen, you wipe too hard, in too much of a rush-job manner, and could perhaps be making blood surface from small cuts as a result.
piles sounds bad perhaps what your doing on the bog is to big for you r arse...
Reply 10
Yea it's bright fresh red blood. Hmmm i might wipe to hard sometimes aswell. I don't wanna go doctors tho, i'll be worried he'll want to look at my arse.

Whats a sheet?
Reply 12
Yea it's bright fresh red blood. Hmmm i might wipe to hard sometimes aswell. I don't wanna go doctors tho, i'll be worried he'll want to look at my arse.

Oh no! You have a problem with your arse and your doc wants to look at it!? Really? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but don't be silly! Your doctor won't be embarrassed to look at your bum, so neither should you! If it is something more serious then it needs to be looked at (not wanting to worry you here), therefore your doc will PROBABLY want to look at your bum, but it's nothing to worry about!
Yea it's bright fresh red blood. Hmmm i might wipe to hard sometimes aswell. I don't wanna go doctors tho, i'll be worried he'll want to look at my arse.

It could quite easily be this ANON.
Whats a sheet?

An alternative to ****.
I hope you're not pulling my leg through asking this. :wink:
Reply 15
Oh no! You have a problem with your arse and your doc wants to look at it!? Really? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but don't be silly! Your doctor won't be embarrassed to look at your bum, so neither should you! If it is something more serious then it needs to be looked at (not wanting to worry you here), therefore your doc will PROBABLY want to look at your bum, but it's nothing to worry about!

So if you had this problem you'd be quite happy to drop your jeans, let a doctor open up your buttocks and look at ur a-hole?

Seems real not cool to me.
You probably have a tapeworm.

"Pull the tapeworm out of your ass. HEY!"

Oh no! You have a problem with your arse and your doc wants to look at it!? Really? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but don't be silly! Your doctor won't be embarrassed to look at your bum, so neither should you! If it is something more serious then it needs to be looked at (not wanting to worry you here), therefore your doc will PROBABLY want to look at your bum, but it's nothing to worry about!

You're lacking "put yourself in his shoes" it seems. Pretty stupid comments really Becca
Reply 18
It depends pal. It could be piles, or it could be just that you're straining!
Reply 19
So if you had this problem you'd be quite happy to drop your jeans, let a doctor open up your buttocks and look at ur a-hole?

Seems real not cool to me.

Yes! Because the consequences of not doing that are far worse than any embarrassment letting someone who has probably seen 100s of bums look at my bum!

White_haired_wizard: I can see he'd be embarrassed, but surely embarrassment is a small price to pay for a bill of clean health?