The Student Room Group

Guys, need some feedback :)

If you really liked someone and maybe had for a while, but didn't feel you could let them know, how do you think you would act around them?

What's the difference between how you act around girls you feel matey with and girls you fancy? For instance, if you saw a girl you were attracted to chatting to a girl you were mates with, and you walked over to talk to them, how would you behave?

Thanks :wink: :smile:
Reply 1
If you really liked someone and maybe had for a while, but didn't feel you could let them know, how do you think you would act around them?

What's the difference between how you act around girls you feel matey with and girls you fancy? For instance, if you saw a girl you were attracted to chatting to a girl you were mates with, and you walked over to talk to them, how would you behave?

Thanks :wink: :smile:

I seldom care to make that distinction.
Reply 2
it's a big thing IMO. With girls i like, i'm not nearly as confident as with girls who are friends, because i usually have NO idea at all if they like me.

It's confusing, and it pisses me off, so i usually just ignore it and treat them like everyone else.
Reply 3
Just try and ignore the fact that I like them
If you're a guy, its really not the best idea to act too differently around different girls. Their friends will invariably notice, and they'll be tormented about it (great if they like you, not so much if they don't.) I speak from experience..!
If you're a girl, debating whether a lad likes you, hmm.. I hate it when lads aren't clear whether they just want friendship, or more.. so good luck! xxxx

EDIT: and yeah, I know I'm not a guy, so you might as well just ignore the above if you're trying to gain a deeper understanding of the male psyche! xx