Recurring nightmares are often a signal that something is troubling you, or there is a problem which your subconscious has not managed to process. You can sometimes help this processing by identifying the symbols in your dream - look up skeleton on a dream interpreter (although these can be very unreliable), and see if you can find some link between what it says and some aspect of your life.
This doesn't always help - there's nothing wrong with seeking therapy for it, and it might be more beneficial than just clearing a dream.
I used to have recurring nightmares about driving and having no brakes, at a time in my life when I felt I had no control over events, and was getting frustrated and frightened about where the future was going. When things became more certain and predictable, the dreams stopped.
Try not to worry - while you're dreaming, are you aware that you've had it before and it's happening again? Try to take control and turn it into a lucid dream, and try to confront it in your dream. I've also had dreams where I've been killed in several ways, and had no adverse effects in real life, so don't worry!
Hope that helps.