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Reply 1
I know how you feel. I'm in sort of a transition phase (going to uni in the fall, in my last year of college)... and it's kind of a hard time to start something... but I really miss having a bf! (I've been single since september). I have my eye on someone... but... dunno... don't think its gonna work out. So I feel your pain!
Reply 2
im fed up of being single, with no sign of anything to come. just a general moan.:frown:

winters nearly over... summers the best time to be single :wink:
yeah i had times like that, usually it comes when you least expect it.
same here. Im nearly 18 and ive never had a bf. Starting to feel a bit crap. Most my friends have bf's or had least had some kind of relationship. i know its not a race or anything but i just want some 'excitment' if you know what i mean. Im not exactly completely unattractive or anything, like some guys have told me that im attractive, and im not really shy around ppl i know. I think its mainly cos i have more friends who are girls than boys? i suppose its who you know etc.
Reply 5
same here, lol :s:
Reply 6
i always seem to have lad mates, and nothin else. im just a bit fed up of being on my own, so thought id share my moans!!
Reply 7
yup, where have all the boys gone?
Reply 8
The problem is finding time to find a girl that will have me, easier said than done lolz.
Reply 9
Never had a gf, 18, and also am feeling the same (ie, sick of being single) Thats life i suppose, just gotta roll with the punches
I'm gonna join in with this depressing thread, I dislike being single, kinda fun for a while and then you just feel lonely :frown:
same....i just want to feel some affection!! I'm so jealous of all my mates in long term relationships....
Reply 12
Im joining this too. Please also may I have a manual about female? It's difficult to understand 'her'
difficult to understand 'her'! what about 'him'!!

glad to know im not the only lonly heart out there!!
Reply 14
guys! not being harsh or anything

instead of complaining, just get on with it!

getting girls, is all about chatting rubbish, confidence, good dress style, and technique

technique is the most important, if you get the logic right, you can get any chick in the world

trust me!
Reply 15
difficult to understand 'her'! what about 'him'!!

glad to know im not the only lonly heart out there!!

wish that i could help you. problem is that im a guy and i dont understand them (im straight before anyone makes any other kind of comments) and girls are even harder to work out
Reply 16
getting girls, is all about chatting rubbish, confidence, good dress style, and technique

technique is the most important, if you get the logic right, you can get any chick in the world

Yeah, but sometimes all you can do is moan when you have no confidence and self-esteem, and a technique as subtle as a sledgehamer :wink:
guys! not being harsh or anything

instead of complaining, just get on with it!

getting girls, is all about chatting rubbish, confidence, good dress style, and technique

technique is the most important, if you get the logic right, you can get any chick in the world

trust me!

Oooh right it's that easy!
Reply 18
hey do girls sometimes flirt with the guys just for the sake of flirting without wanting any further relationships, and when they dont wanna flirt, they just treat guys like trash?

not trying to generalise, but does this happen ?
Reply 19
Original post by Fluent &#953
Oooh right it's that easy!

my gosh dear, you got a bad taught me this last night! what did i tell you about partying too hard?!