Something really weird has happened. Basically, I have been with my boyfriend for 3 months now, although we're really close and love each other very much because we were best mates before we went out with each other. I was with my ex (who I had been with for 14 months) when I first met my boyfriend, and tried to remain with my ex, however things got really bad between us and I realised that I wasn't just attracted to my best mate; I loved him. When my ex and I split up, me and my best mate got together and I am really happy about the fact that I can finally tell him how I feel. We said "I love you" after one day 'together' (bear in mind that we had been best mates for months so had loved each other platonically anyway) and I genuinely do love him, more so than my ex (I did love him, but the love was an unhealthy and selfish one from both sides, whereas with my boyfriend it's about helping each other.) Ok, I'll get to the point. All of a sudden, I feel completely and utterly in love with my boyfriend. I was before, but all of a sudden I feel like I'm falling in love with him - even though I already have. My feelings towards him seem to have multiplied by hundreds. I really don't get what's going on, and he seems to find all the extra kisses he's getting very funny! I just wonder why, all of a sudden, am I feeling like this?