The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have done this exact same essay, im guessing your topic is German Foreign policy 33 - 39?
Basically what the question is asking is did Hitler plan everything which happened in this period or did he take advantage of situations. You will need to talk about Mien Kampf, the hossbach memorandum ect Basically for example for the remilitarisation of the Rhineland for example did he plan to do that in 1936? Or did he take advantage of the situation, did he plan to annex Austria? Why did he annex Bohemia-Moravia? ect. Just go through each event and judge whether he was a planner or an opportunist or even a bit of both.
Reply 2
Great! That's what I thought but was slightly unsure. Thanks!
Reply 3
I would argue that he was good at seizing opportunities to execute preconceived ideas. The Rhineland would be a good example of this. (French Elections).
Arguably he intended to deal with Poland before the Czechs, but again events nudged him in that direction.
Evidence for planning includes his comments in 'Mein Kampf'.
Reply 4

Evidence for planning includes his comments in 'Mein Kampf'.

A fine distinction between planning and foresight.

“Germany will either be a world power, or there will be no Germany.” ~ Mein Kampf

“For this earth is not allotted to anyone.”
“Nothing sinful in territorial acquisition.” ~ Hitler’s Zweite Buch

I loved that essay when I did it last year... :smile:
Reply 5
This question has been argued with historians for years...if its any consellation, they still havn't agreed on an answer.

No one knows tbh, its all opinion, you can't write a wrong answer for this one! Good luck!

Reply 6
He was an intentional opportunist. right debate solved. what a relief.

Reply 7
He was an intentional opportunist. right debate solved. what a relief.


Actually i have got a feeling that phrase was coined by a academic in the 70s although i could be wrong! Of course if you wanted to use that phrase you would have to explain why your using it in a 300 page book :biggrin:

Reply 8
right ive started writing it. it will be on here soon. they may have to cancel Alevel history now because my book will make it too easy.:biggrin:
BIT OF BOTH.... planned a lot of things in Mein Kamf. But he was only able to achieve this due to opportunists that were made available by the British and France.