The Student Room Group
At our school, ours are accurate to 0.05cm3. Use this formula: percentage error = (error x 100) / reading.
Reply 2
yes that, but use the minimum volume you used to get the maximum percentage error,that way you can blame any anomalies on the equipment provided instead of human error! lol :biggrin:
Reply 3
say if you were using a my case 25cm3, wht would you put in the error part of the equation..i dont get it the accuracy of the pippete.?
Reply 4
yes that, but use the minimum volume you used to get the maximum percentage error,that way you can blame any anomalies on the equipment provided instead of human error! lol :biggrin:
Can somebody post an example error thingy please:frown: :frown: ? I have no idea what to do and how to link it to the rest of my coursework.
Reply 5
The uncertainty is half of the smallest measurement on the pipette. So if the smallest measurement is 1ml the uncertainty is + or - 0.5ml.

You then put this over the whole volume of the pippete. So if it 15 ml the % error would be 0.5/15 * 100 = 3.33%

Thats how I think its done but Im not 100% sure.

Reply 6
we just did, for example, o.5 over the smallest volume we measured* 100. that way we got a bigger maximum error, so we had more room to manouvre!! :biggrin: