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Humghh -

Argh, I've never written about my feelings on here, and I am pretty conservative about talking about them to my friends, but I feel I must blurt something out right now!

Well, I have quite a good friend, who is a girl and I am a boy, and she introudced me to her friend. I instantly liked her, you know that feeling? you can tell their whole being through just their first smile.

Anyway, I like her quite a lot, but don't really get that much chance to speak to her. We went abroad as a group and had a great time, we promised we would talk to each other when we got back to England, but except for the occasional smile we didn't really, I was quite sad about this. But at a party a couple of months later she came up to me and said ' hey you promised we would talk, you never talk to me ', this was infornt of everybody and is quite out of character, because she is quite a shy girl, that's part of the reason I like her.

There's been a few times where we have spoken for hours, like at a party we went and sat outside long into the next morning talking, and when we go out in a group or something we often seem to pair up for most of the day. I've given her a lift into town a couple of times, but other than that we don't talk. Although when we're in a group together at lunch or something I feel like we are both aware of each others presence, it's hard to understand, but it makes me a little nervous.

Our mutual friend blows hot and cold with me and is a mega blabber mouth, so I can't tell her how I feel. I have told one of my close friends, but he is a bit of a laddy lad, if you know what I mean, encourages me to do things like text her out of the blue. I'm not really into that, because it makes it so obvious. We don't really text, only after things, like to make sure if she got home ok and stuff.

Once I did have a valid reason to text her, so I did and we had quite a long text conversation. But then the day after I got a text from our mutual friend saying that she'd heard I text her. So I thought crikey, this isn't what I want, everyone knowing and talking about me, so I have never text her again. But her friend did say that she thought we could make good friends. I didn't know what to think of this, whether it was positive or negative.

Anyway, not being in any situations where I could talk to her without everyone seeing I was going out of my way to do so, I feel I am stuck and can't really do anything. Which is a shame because this girl is really nice and when we do talk it's magical.
Reply 1
I think give it a shot. Let her know that you don't appreciate her telling everyone, although that could just be her being friendly and very close to your mutual friend(s).

If you like her, I don't see why not.
Reply 2
Call her. First couple of times it'll be awkward, but it'll get better, trust me. Maybe next time you see her you could be like (after a few hours of hanging out of course): "listen I really have to go but I'll call you up and we'll finish this conversation, k?" I know you probably won't want to leave, but if you do that'll open the calling door for you. And sometimes you just have to deal with everyone knowing, I know it's annoying as hell, especially if anyone decides to get all oo-aah-ish (lol if you have any idea what I mean), but on the up side it *does* mean she feels your semi-relationship is worthy of mentioning to friends.

Good luck!
go for it-good luck!!-tc-ella