The Student Room Group

Brighthelm or Lewes court?

Hey guys, sorry to bring up accommodation again, I'm sure you're bored of all the discussions on it but I'd love some advice about what to do about my accommodation choices and this site is so invaluable for getting helpful replies from lovely people!
From what I've been hearing, there seems to be a pattern that if you have a conditional offer and you put down Lewes court as your first choice you're pretty much guaranteed east slope or god forbid shared East slope. I would love Lewes court but I would rather not end up in East slope (although I have come to terms with the fact there is a good chance of this whatever I do) but don't blame me for trying to avoid it!! :biggrin:)

So, if I forget Lewes court and say put down Brighthelm, do you reckon I'd stand more of a chance of getting Brighthelm as opposed to East slope?
I haven't even seen inside a flat or anything but from what I've read I like the sound of it and I have heard that it has more mature students and as I will be a 'mature student' (just) when I start and I'd prefer to be in a quieter zone do you reckon I stand a chance if I put Brighthelm first?
I know all this is probably futile because the accommodation demons will probably still send me to east slope but a girls gotta try!
Thank you for any advice anyone can give!!
Put down Lewes Court (if you like that the most), then Brighthelm, then whatever you want next. Personally I way prefer Brighthelm to Lewes court but I live in East Slope and love it so what do I know.

Whatever you put after Brighthelm and Lewes Court is what you're most likely to get, but you might get lucky. I really doubt you'd get a shared room unless Sussex is your insurance or you specifically ask for it. Being a Mature student might get you into Brighthelm. I suggest you put that first, Lewes Court second and East Slope third. I don't know anyone who doesn't like East Slope, except a couple of people who just don't like campus in general.
Reply 2
My friend got a shared room having accepted Sussex as her firm conditional. Lewes Court was her first choice.

This was in the crazy too many applications year, and I'm not trying to give scare stories, but it can happen.

There's not much difference between Lewes Court and Brighthelm as far as I can tell, except that Brighthelm has washing machines and dryers. You'd welcome that after one trip the the launderette, believe me.

Of the two, I reckon stick Brighthelm as the first. But then I'm not overly keen on either accommodation and didn't list them anywhere near the top of my priority list.
I think Brighthelms nicer because it's more like a house than a high rise flat, and it has more windows! Lewes court has not enough windows for me.

But yeah obviously there's a chance you'll get a shared room but they mostly go to international students who want to pay less rent.
Reply 4
Really? I knew a few people in shared rooms (mostly because I invariably met the roommate of a friend!) and none were internationals. When I was finally offered a room on campus, it was East Slope shared.

I declined.
i find that most people in shared rooms either applied late/insurance, are internationals, or have been moved into the room after applications, like you would have been if you'd accepted it.

Most people shudder at the thought of a shared room and will do anything to avoid it. As far as I can work out, about 1 in 12 rooms in east slope is shared.
Reply 6
Oh, of course they'll try to avoid it, and it's far less likely to happen this year. But my friend (the one that I knew before I got to Sussex) sent her form in before me, and mine was on time. If that's all they can allocate, that's what you get.
Reply 7
Thank you for the replies, dogtanian & good mermington! V helpful :smile: I didn't think about last year being a mega year for applicants so you're right, accommodation competition probably won't be as manic as last year! I think I will go for Brighthelm, Lewes court then either Park house or Park village!