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Coldsores :(


Lovely coldsores!


I'm currently suffering with a pretty nasty coldsore that popped up on Monday and it just got me thinking, what do people think when they see someone with a coldsore?

Herpes Virus Simplex 1 aka Coldsores stay rooted deep in the nervous system and pop up at the times when you least want them, and this one could have been brought on by tiredness and stress as I've had a crazy past week.

I hate them, and its a fact of life that I'll suffer from them occassionally until I die because as of yet there is no cure, but they can be controlled and zapped by Blisteze and Zoviarax.

But I didn't get it from snogging lots of boys haha!

I've had them since before I can remember, my birth mother had them apparently so I'm guessing I caught them of her.

So what do you think about them?

My first boyf wouldn't even SEE me incase he caught coldsores and it somehom magically mutated on his willy and made him get genital herpes (charming!) .... dumped! It made me feel dirty, though I know I'm not lol.

By the way, genital herpes is not the same virus as the coldsore virus, as genital herpes is the herpes virus simplex 2 and its a mutation if I remember correctly so don't think that if we have coldosres that you'll catch genital herpes of us lol cos I've defo never had it! :tongue: