The Student Room Group

Bad Idea?

Right, I liked this guy ages ago, around October time, and had a little thing and met up and stuff; nothing major happened but I really fell for him. He ended things with a 'We want different things', ie, I want to be single and have fun, nothing serious, which is where what we had was heading. Anyway, hadn't seen him for a good 5 months and saw him the other night, and said i'd text him which he was like ok cool :smile: I havn't text him, but am going to I think. Thing is, I don't want a boyfriend, so do you think it would be a really bad idea to suggest/imply that I just want fun, something when i'm bored, even though I like this guy more than anyone will realise?

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well if you tell him your just out for some fun the worst he can do is refuse, so i'd say go for it, however if you really like him i would suggest you think hard about it before you enter into this kind of just want to have fun relationship, because it could ruin your chances with him later if things dont work out correctly
Reply 2
I'd say go for it but make it absolutley implict and clear that its just for fun and dont let yourself get to attatched (unless you want to) or i could get really really complicated. No one like the "it started out as fun but now im serious and they arent situation!"
Reply 3
jus play it cool...

dont act overly interested...

be sweet with him...

and of course its not a bad idea to tell a guy you just wanna have fun... its ok
What about girls like me who don't really have time for a serious relationship but might go for something fairly light-hearted?

If I got into a proper relationship now, something else in my life would have to go. I'd only give anything up for the perfect guy.
I didn't say anything about a sex buddy, just a relationship which isn't particularly heavy/serious/time-demanding.
Reply 6
I never mentioned sex-buddy, I'd prefer not to 'lose it' techincally, *complicated situation with ex* with a guy who might not feel as strongly as I do.

I meant something that means we don't see each other every single day, but still meet up sometimes and have a good time! Who knows how it would progress, but at the moment, like Apricot Fairy, I have too much on, and reckon he would too as he has a job, and likes going out, and is on a placement that starts in June.
Reply 7
No, just something that doesnt involve having to spend every waking moment with each other, and feeling the need to text each other fifty times a day. Something where we can meet up once a week or something, couple of texts a week, and just enjoy each others company. If it leads to something more serious then so be it :smile:
Reply 8
Pretty Boy
Most girls I know would drop everything for a serious relationship.

Light-hearted ? sex buddy? not my type of girl.

Perfect guy is a relative.

I agree completely, get your brother to help out
Reply 9
Right, I decided to text him last night, nothing too serious just saying it was nice to see him, and that I felt rough the next day, but gave him something to reply to. After promising and insisting that he would reply, guess who still hasn't got a text 24 hours later. I'm so angry!
Reply 10
Yeah, exactly, which is why i'm so angry as its totally one-sided!

Why would a guy promise to text you back, and then not?
Reply 11
Perhaps he listened, and realised you don't want a 50 texts a day guy.. and so isn't coming on uber strong.
Reply 12
Listened to what? I havn't said I want something casual yet, thought i'd gauge the reaction from his reply, but that hasn't come :frown:
guys are soooo good at playing these games...

Well, hes either playing games OR he's really not interested. But when they play games they act like they're not interested, to make you more interested. Its a tricky one, but i've been in exactly your situ quite recently and the only advice I can give you is play the game back. Don't text him at all!! If you see him out give him a passing "hi", nothing more.

If hes playing, he'll respond, if he aint interested, he won't.

And guys say we're complicated :rolleyes:

(PM me and lemme know how it goes :smile: )

Look at you, its working a treat!!
Reply 14
Hmm, I know exactly what you mean! I'm so unsure if hes playing games or just not replying to get the hint that he doesn't like me. Things 'ended' like 5 months ago, as we apparently 'wanted different things' and 'feels hes happier on his own', so I took that to mean he wanted to fool around and didn't think I did.

I've had my phone turned off for about 30mins now, and i'm now going to check my phone...*fingers crossed*

If he is playing the game, hes damn good at it!
Reply 15
Ooooh, sorry, from the first post i got the impression he'd wanted to be serious and the "ie, I want to be single and have fun" was what you'd been signalling him to 5 months ago.
You may just be a pawn in this big ego trip he's on, your situation sounds scarily similar to mine however I only realised he liked me (after months of playing silly games) when I met somebody else and started a relationship with them. Only then did I get texts off of him saying how id hurt his feelings ect:confused:

Anyway, I think he just kept me on the end of a string for his own amusement, and in retrospect, if I had agreed to start seeing him on a purely casual basis, I would have fallen for him hook, line and sinker all over again.
Just for him to drop me at his earliest convenience. again.

Ive been with my boyfriend for ages now, but when I see said guy out and about I still go literally weak at the knees, but its all part of his charm.. I dont think I'd be half as besotted with him if he hadn't played hard to get.

Its all very complicated, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at!! :smile:
Reply 17
Yeah, I do understand! I thought I was getting over him, and met this nice guy but I just wasn't into this guy that much and things never really came of it, and I was just thinking I was getting over the other guy, then I bumped into him and I fell right back into his charms. Hes Irish so just has a thing about him that makes you like him!

Grrr! Damn, my signal is so bad at my house I've had my phone on for about 15 minutes and not had signal yet!
Seriously. Chill.

Look at yourself. You're getting hurt and upset because you haven't had a text back from this guy.. you said you wanted something on the casual side but is that really what you want?? If, (like me) you are pretending you want something relaxed just to keep his interest, you are setting yourself up for yet more humiliation and tears. Been there chicka done it.

You just have to think to yourself that this guy really isn't all that, and he's obviously not relationship material. I know guys who have endless sharades of women at their disposal ...just as this guy has you.. just as the other guy had me..

This may seem a little sad (sorry!) but have you ever heard the term, "Fool me once, shame on you.. Fool me twice, shame on me.."?

Think about it.. and DONT play his games!!
Reply 19
That is exactly right - you keep getting it spot on :smile:

I need to just not think about him, or make any attempt to make contact. After he ended things, I didn't speak to him or get in contact and then we bumped into each other at a cash point and was really awkward, then at the pub which was fine! I'm so confussed as he said he'd reply after I joked that he never used to, or took ages! It just hurts to know that after someone says they'll text you, and its obvious that theres a spark between us, and to have it **** all over.

I havn't had a message, and i've now resigned myself to say that I wont. Gonna be tough if I bump into him; we live really close to each other!