The Student Room Group

How do I tell my GF?

That her boobs are ruining our relationship?

They are just too big, I know most guys would be like wow lucky etc etc, but they make many positions impossible, and for example when she is on top of me they crush my chest and hurt quite a lot :frown:

She is v self conscious about them, always keeps them under a baggy sweater, afraid of men grabbing her etc etc

I don't know what to say to her?

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Reply 1
is there nothing more to your relationship?
Are they big enough that they might actually give her back pains and the sort?
If so maybe you can suggest a reduction, not only for aesthetic reasons but sometimes huge breasts can be quite painful and pretty bad for your posture.
Reply 3
Too big? Have you never watched Eurotrash?
Natalie Lane
Are they big enough that they might actually give her back pains and the sort?
If so maybe you can suggest a reduction, not only for aesthetic reasons but sometimes huge breasts can be quite painful and pretty bad for your posture.

Well, I guess treatment that serious would be heavily dependent on how big they really are - surely breast reduction is quite an extreme measure and may not be necessary?
Angel Interceptor
Well, I guess treatment that serious would be heavily dependent on how big they really are - surely breast reduction is quite an extreme measure and may not be necessary?

Not really. There are people who get it done for health reasons and then there are many others who simply prefer their breasts to be smaller. I mean, getting implants has become normal enough...

Then again, I don't know her personal thoughts about her chest size, which is why I suggested it after asking if they were beg enough to be painful for her :p:
Natalie Lane
Not really. There are people who get it done for health reasons and then there are many others who simply prefer their breasts to be smaller. I mean, getting implants has become normal enough...

Then again, I don't know her personal thoughts about her chest size, which is why I suggested it after asking if they were beg enough to be painful for her :p:

However breast reduction itself also carries certain risks with it - if there's a medical reason for getting them reduced then I guess that's fair enough, but simply because someone wants smaller boobs seems a little stupid to me, as there are dangers of getting the operation done.

Anyhows, it's late and I must crawl into bed. Goodnight. :wavey:
I want to get a breast reduction simply because I want smaller breasts

Night night :wavey:
Natalie Lane
I want to get a breast reduction simply because I want smaller breasts

Night night :wavey:

Well, it's your decision, however I would encourage you to read up and talk to some experts about the risks involved if you are serious about it and if it really bothers you that much.
Angel Interceptor
Well, it's your decision, however I would encourage you to read up and talk to some experts about the risks involved if you are serious about it and if it really bothers you that much.

Yes, I know, besides smaller things like scarring there are risks such as destroying the ducts that would allow you to breastfeed and so on... :redface:

Right. Erm.
Yes. G'night.
Natalie Lane
Yes, I know, besides smaller things like scarring there are risks such as destroying the ducts that would allow you to breastfeed and so on... :redface:

Right. Erm.
Yes. G'night.

Indeed there are. Anyhows, goodnight once more. :smile:
lol you sound like a bit of an idiot, just ignore it or tell her it hurts in that position do it in another! there isnt a problem here, and im more than certain boobs cant ruin a relationship, its clearly you who ruins the relationship! lol
Reply 12
1. Why does not being able to have sex in certain positions compromise your relationship so much?
2. What do you expect her to do about it if you do tell her?
Reply 13
ok, maybe I was lying at the part where she is worried about men grabbing her, I am, basically I can't let her go out alone for fear of well people copping a feel.
is there nothing more to your relationship?

i would imagine there is but this is the problem he is focusing on. He doesnt need to explain everything else
Reply 15
forget about it man, just try and adjust, thats the best option
King Leigh
1. Why does not being able to have sex in certain positions compromise your relationship so much?
2. What do you expect her to do about it if you do tell her?

What I was thinking :smile: esp 2, even if you do tell your gf what do you expect her to do about it? she can't just get a reduction for you. Try diff positions as ppl have said, esp reverse cowgirl, very fun hehe :p:
Reply 17
ok, maybe I was lying at the part where she is worried about men grabbing her, I am, basically I can't let her go out alone for fear of well people copping a feel.

Ok, you can't just restrict her freedom like that. You have to address this problem.

Besides, how many men randomly grab a girl's breasts? And if they did, how many girls would think "Wow, that's a really attractive thing to do, I'm going to ditch my boyfriend and pull this weirdo" and how many would freak, slap the idiot and run? Little trust needed here, I think.
Don't let a small thing like that ruin what you got.
Reply 19
What's the problem? Just lather 'em up and rub your face in 'em.

As for them crushing your chest... Maybe you need to do some weights.