The Student Room Group

What would you do? *need someone's opinion*

Ok...I need some advice, I'm having a bit of trouble talking to my friends about this because they think I'm being silly.

Basically I started seeing this guy a couple of months ago and things were going well, but then he found out his mate liked me, so he put a stop to anything happening between us. At the time I was okay with that because I don't think you should be made to choose between a girl/guy and your friends.

The thing is I'm not over liking him yet, and there's a party this weekend and I found out he's going to be there, (as well as his mate) would it be best to just leave things as they are? Even if you want something to happen?
ok basically u like this guy but his friend likes you too? but u like the first guy, and not the second? hmm, surely u shld get with the first guy (your ex) because otherwise both guys are losing out, and you are too...i know that sounds harsh but ive been in a recent similiar situation myself and just decided u shld grab happiness when u can!!
Ok...I need some advice, I'm having a bit of trouble talking to my friends about this because they think I'm being silly.

Basically I started seeing this guy a couple of months ago and things were going well, but then he found out his mate liked me, so he put a stop to anything happening between us. At the time I was okay with that because I don't think you should be made to choose between a girl/guy and your friends.

The thing is I'm not over liking him yet, and there's a party this weekend and I found out he's going to be there, (as well as his mate) would it be best to just leave things as they are? Even if you want something to happen?

this sounds so similar to my situation its scary, I found out one of my mates fancied me and I told him I felt the same so we kissed and things looked like they were going good, then one day his best mate admits he likes me too. So the guy I was seeing being the decent guy he is decided to stop things as it wasn't fair on his mate
I still really like this guy and he said he feels the same but nothing can happen
I'm seeing him this weeeknd when we go out to town and don't know what to do
P.S I've PMed you :smile:
Reply 3
I don't think the guy I like is wants to hurt his friend by making any sort of move. His friend doesn't know anything happened between us yet, which makes things strange sometimes.
you actually going out with the first guy because if you are if you make any move on the 2nd guy that's cheating.
you actually going out with the first guy because if you are if you make any move on the 2nd guy that's cheating.

She was going out with the first guy but he stopped it as his best friend fancied her and he didn't wanna choose. She doesn't like bloke 2 :smile:
oh i follow now, i'm suprised he put a stop to it, if he really wanted her he'd least make more of an effort.