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Reply 1
Reply 2
Ha ha, I sympathise with you. I remember trying to say Wadham. Its Waw-dim, but I kept going "Waad Ham".

"Can you tell me where Waad Ham is?"
"Do you know where Waad Ham College is?"
"I've applied to Waad Ham".

Reply 3
I thought it was Waad-ham....oh dear. Of course the big one is magdalen.....
Reply 4
Of course the big one is magdalen.....

"Mawd-lin" / "Maud-lin" / "Maud-len"*. :p:
But Mag-dal-in or Mag-dal-en (some variation..) Bridge/Street/Road! :wink:

* which the prospectus favours!
Reply 5
Ha ha, I sympathise with you. I remember trying to say Wadham. Its Waw-dim, but I kept going "Waad Ham".

"Can you tell me where Waad Ham is?"
"Do you know where Waad Ham College is?"
"I've applied to Waad Ham".




Reply 6
That's why you pick a college you can Exeter, nice and simple.:smile:
Reply 7
All about St. Edmund Hall- grand and easy to pronounce.
Reply 8
But Mag-dal-in or Mag-dal-en (some variation..) Bridge/Street/Road! :wink:

Surely that's only true of Magdalen Street (because it's named after St Mary Mag-dal-en Church, and not the college); as Magdalen Bridge and Magdalen Road are both named after the college it makes sense to pronounce them the same way as the college.
Since when was it Wod-him and not Wod-am (end is like the "dam" in "adam") .... I'm pretty sure it's the latter
Reply 10
Tom Holder
Since when was it Wod-him and not Wod-am (end is like the "dam" in "adam") .... I'm pretty sure it's the latter

Everyone I've known at Wadham has said wod-am or wod-um...
Reply 11
Surely that's only true of Magdalen Street (because it's named after St Mary Mag-dal-en Church, and not the college); as Magdalen Bridge and Magdalen Road are both named after the college it makes sense to pronounce them the same way as the college.

since when do things about oxford have to make sense? :wink: definitely valid point - although pretty sure i remember having it explained to me at one point by someone suitably authoritarian sounding. & haven't come across any maps with pronounciation keys to sway me otherwise yet..

edit - though i imagine i do just say "maudlen" for them all - guaranteeing at least 1 is wrong! :redface:

I'm a "wod-um" sayer.
Forget the vowel after the D - it's Wod-m.

Mag-da-len Bridge is definitely news to me, though - in three years I never heard that. Always Maudlin Bridge.
Reply 13
Ok as a member of wadham, i can honestly say i've never heard waw-dim
Everyone here says it wodum or like pants says just wodm... :biggrin:

And i always thought it was maudlin bridge, i've never heard mag-de-lin bridge hmmm.....
Reply 14
lol!!! when I got to Oxford... I met some prospect student looking on a map... and then I asked where do you wanna go? and a girl told me.. bell.. I'm like what? and she said... bell... lol that was what I heard! and then she pointed out in the map!!! lol!!! so embarassing!
Reply 15
I'm sorry, but if you don't know how to pronounce these words, then there really is no point in coming up to Oxford. You're not really the sort, what? By jove, what is the world coming to? Anyone up for a spot of polo? Daddy's bought me enough horses for a full team now...
Reply 16
Waw-dim is wodim/wodum. I've just spelt it funny. It rhymes with the "bo" in "*******s" and the "taw" in "tawdry" right? Or does it? Oh dear, clearly I still don't know how to pronounce its name.
Reply 17
Waw-dim is wodim/wodum. I've just spelt it funny. It rhymes with the "bo" in "*******s" and the "taw" in "tawdry" right? Or does it? Oh dear, clearly I still don't know how to pronounce its name.

Wadham - to sound like the "mod" in moderator and the "um" in bum :p:
Reply 18

Wadham - to sound like the "mod" in moderator and the "um" in bum :p:

That really wasn't necessary, was it now? :rolleyes:
Reply 19
That really wasn't necessary, was it now? :rolleyes:

I think it was entirely necessary.