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Reply 1

The solution is almost rocket science.
Reply 2
relieve a hangover?

yeah - don't drink.. no hangover at all then.
Reply 3

The solution is almost rocket science.

there's water, water of life, jebus gives us the water of life..

Reply 4
Drink lots of water it kind of helps but stay off sugary drinks when you get in like orange squash as that always makes me sick if im drunk. Try not to drink spirits as well they make me very ill, i dont know about others
Lucozade!!! Several of my friends swear by it.

Or before you go out drink milk and eat a good meal, usually works for me.

It really depends how hard you're hammering it though, and what you're drinking... if you're very very very drunk then you've just got to deal with the consequences! and spirits are the worst...i only have hangovers when i have been drinking stick to the vino! (or beer) :smile:
Reply 6
drink a bucketload of water, and have another bucketload next to your bed so when you wake up, you drink that. then brush yuor teeth five times in a row, have a shower, have another shower, eat a massive fry up (put everything in your fridge in a pan and heat for 5 minutes, and eat). then drink another bucketload and go for a walk. by now, 4pm, you should be feeling good and ready to go again.
Reply 7
How about drinking less.
Reply 8
When you get home a night, take two painkillers, eat two bananas and drink a litre of water.
Reply 9
cheese and milk

salt and sugar in water
Reply 10
Milk ALWAYS works for me.
As a general rule, the darker the drink, the worse the hangover (and intoxicating effect to some degree).
Many drinks contain more than ethanol (generally considered the main product in inducing drunkenss/hangovers), namely congeners. These congeners include histamine, polyphenols and other complex organic molecules and methanol.
Humans metabolise methanol similarily to ethanol but there is a different end product- which is more toxic than the acetaldehyde derived from ethanol.
Ethanol, however, inhibits the metabolism of methanol (I think we did something on this in biology about people who have inadvertantly swallowed antifreeze :rolleyes: being given ethanol in hospital (!) to inhibit the metabolism of methanol...) this is why people often find a swift, strong drink the morning after alleviates hangover symptoms!
Therefore if you stick to pure ethanol :eek: vodka, gin or white wine, you'll escape lightly... brandy, red wine, rum and whisky may result in you reaching for that "hair of the dog" the morning after!!
Reply 12
I still cant drink spirits after getting pissed on brandy and vodka 2 years ago :frown:
When you get home a night, take two painkillers, eat two bananas and drink a litre of water.

works for me, havent tried the bannanas tho, think ill try that on friday night.
Water the night before, but Irn Bru the day after.
Reply 15
Irn Bru is God's own beverage...

The best hangover cure is a full english washed down with a pint - hair of the dog and all that..its all good!
Reply 16
Kebab and water before bed.
Reply 17
Kebab and water before bed.
Reply 18
how anyone can contemplate alcohol with a hangover is beyond me!

i'm still hideously hungover and its 23:32 :frown: not fun.
Reply 19
how anyone can contemplate alcohol with a hangover is beyond me!

i'm still hideously hungover and its 23:32 :frown: not fun.