The Student Room Group
Tallinn - the capital of Estonia - my friends went there and it cost them bugger all money and they had an awesome time! Higly reccommended! :top:
Reply 3
I think Barcelona is relatively cheap and it's not too far and a little warmer than here. If you're thinking Prague and Budapest, maybe you want to look at some of the other eastern european countries?
Reply 4
Ok thanks for all the sugestions so far, but I thought Helsinki was expensive (especially for food and drink, along with the rest of Scandinavia)?? Thanks
Ok thanks for all the sugestions so far, but I thought Helsinki was expensive (especially for food and drink, along with the rest of Scandinavia)?? Thanks

Helsinki is expensive for a break - I'd seriously advice against it.
Amsterdam, that's not too far away either. You could smoke elicit substances and visit the red light district - who wouldn't want to do that? :wink:
Reply 7
tallinn sounds great but not much is coming up on expedia, can anyone reccomend any other good holiday sites /ways to get cheap holidays other than searching for "hotels in place x"?
tallinn sounds great but not much is coming up on expedia, can anyone reccomend any other good holiday sites /ways to get cheap holidays other than searching for "hotels in place x"?

Meh, just book yourself a flight with Ryanair or one of those airlines - my friends paid £40/£45ish return when they went last year, and then just found somewhere to stay when they got there. ALternatively if you want to have more definite plans for where you're staying or want some good information on the place from other people who have visited there, then sign up to the thorntree section of the Lonely Planet website ( ), and post a thread - people on there are always very helpful and always reccommend places to suit you if you give them your requirements. Hope that this information helps. :smile:
This is the Eastern European section of the Thorn Tree Forums section of the site. Just remember than people will take their time getting back to you - it's not as active as somewhere like TSR, but is for advice on travelling. :smile:
Reply 10
Yeh this is all good stuff guys thanks a million. BTW Angel Interceptor was this holiday to Tallinn a last minute thing or not?
Actually, talking of Ryannair, I had an amazing summer break in Seville that was really really cheap. We booked the hotel as well as the flight through them and the hotel was amazing!!!!! I loved Seville but is was boiling (when I was there it was the hottest place in Europe, approx. 42 - 45 celsius). Buses have air conditioning, you get to take afternoon naps, and they have great markets and ice cream parlours. The food is great too - tapas! My spanish is borderline useless but I survived there OK.

The only bad thing though was that a couldn't find anywhere near my hotel that sold coca-cola during siesta time, or ice cream for that matter, so you really do have to go back to your hotel.

It was great fun in summer, but I guess it's probably really nice in spring time too. So anyway, Ryanair = amazing! And their planes aren't a disgusting icky orange!
Yeh this is all good stuff guys thanks a million. BTW Angel Interceptor was this holiday to Tallinn a last minute thing or not?

To be honest I'm not that sure to be honest - I remember that they got pissed and booked tickets to Tallinn, and only realised the next day - I think they got their tickets around 2 weeks in advance. Yeah, I think that's about the right timescale. Why do you ask?
Reply 13
Wow these all sound like great ideas! But... I'm on the Ryanair website right now and on the left there is a Choose Destination bar, but I can't see Tallinn or Seville anywhere? Is it possible that these flights are no longer running?
Wow these all sound like great ideas! But... I'm on the Ryanair website right now and on the left there is a Choose Destination bar, but I can't see Tallinn or Seville anywhere? Is it possible that these flights are no longer running?

I said I think they went by Ryanair or one of those sorts of airlines - it may well have been Easyjet or another one.
Reply 15
I asked because of the price, you say it was dirt cheap but was wondering if that was last- minute prices or not, purely out of interest so I know what kind of price I'll get if I wait.
Reply 16
Woah whats going on with these flight prices? On Easyjet if I fly back on the Monday it costs £72 one way but on the Tuesday it only costs £30?!?! And KLM are pushing their luck and want about £250!
Reply 17
Woah whats going on with these flight prices? On Easyjet if I fly back on the Monday it costs £72 one way but on the Tuesday it only costs £30?!?! And KLM are pushing their luck and want about £250!

business flights, they hike it up at certain times of the week
Cologne...we went from sat-mon though, flights with easyjet just £30 then we stayed in the station hostel, that was actually really nice, for under £30 each x