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It feels that lately I'm stuck in the same loop ~ getting up, going to college, coming home, doing homework and sleeping ~ and it's starting to do my head in.

I know some people would be happy to have the amount of normality I have in my life, but I'm fed-up. How do you break up this seemingly never-ending monotony??

Plan to do new things once you have free time. And do new things but don't plan them :wink:
Reply 2
get a new job/friend/hobby/drinking habit
^ I'm lovin' the last one there.

Um, there's nothing much to advice you except the generic: get out of the loop by doing new/unusual things. It's about the worst and fuzziest advice one can give, but it's the only advice I'm afraid.

Or, stick with it and you'll be off to uni before you know it. :wink:
lol dont get a drinking habit, its bad for the head in the morning, not to mention the liver,as im realising..every1 goes thru a stage where they feel they are in a routine. it does pass. but i do agree u shld try new things to break up the monotony of life!go out on a week night, go shopping....anything to get u out of the same cycle. u never know, but when things do change u may end up wishing you had your old life back...
As everyone else, get a new job, new hobby etc. You're the only one that can break this 'monotony' though. Make a proactive decision to do something about it.
Reply 6
umm that sounds like me...
Reply 7
play a musical instrument
I’m a firm believer that routines can kill. Agree with what the others said, start a hobby. Learning to play an instrument is cool.
Reply 9
I'm at uni and me and my flatmates all start to feel the strain of working , eating , sleeping pattern sometimes. So we plan a big night out (say one a week or so) and its something to really look forward to and you get everyone involved. That helps us feel good.
Reply 10
Kill yourself?

But seriously, not much advice I can give- you have to get stuff done in life and it tends to fall into a routine. The best (but not the most sensible) advice I can give is to go out and get trashed lots- loads of random stuff happens when you're drunk.
Here here. Go and get oiled up cheaply with booze in some college bar then head to cindies or life. My friends and I always have enough material to keep discussion flowing for weeks concerning the drunken goings on of one single night. That might be because we are all crazy alcoholics though, so if you're normal you may find you just go out, get drunk and return home without any fights/blood shed/tears/tantrums/beastiality etc etc.
Reply 12
With spontaneity. And a hacksaw.
Listen to the today programme, then read 5 newspapers a day. That's what I do, and I lack monotony, mainly because if I'm bored I have current affairs to think about.

Reply 15
it's so typical that people try to get rid of monotony by say going out once a week for example. that just creates a whole new routine to get sick of!
instead of posting anonymously in a needless situation, change and put forward your real usernam. That out to break up the monotony, would be well daring...
Reply 18
smoke weed! You wont notice that you are in a loop as you would be stoned :smile:
Reply 19
smoke weed! You wont notice that you are in a loop as you would be stoned :smile:

HAHA i was looking for advice off this thread too.
ANd thats the best solution yet. Thankyou.