The Student Room Group

Stress and exam panic :(

Ok i've got quite a few things going on at the moment that i want to get off my chest.

First of all i'm 18 F and in last year of 6th form which is coming to an end with us going on study leave 4 weeks after easter. This is my first problem because i feel settled and there's a particular teacher who has been my rock and support for the past year.... I'm starting to panic at losing my stability and venturing into the unknown... my summer with nothing to do and then university :frown:

Then there's the exams - i feel so unprepared... I have a couple of language orals coming up in 5/6 weeks and i've recently started to have nightmares about facing an examiner... it's really upsetting as i'm desperate to do well.

I just feel very alone at the moment as i haven't got many close friends and i don't get on particularly well with my family. I'm so stressed and panicky and i could really do with some advice :redface: :frown:
Have you tried speaking to the teacher that supports you? Are there any other teachers/staff at school that could reassure you?

We have Connexions at our school, I've never been but they are supposed to be quite good.

Just be reassured that lots of people are in a similar situation to you (myself included) and that you will get through your exams. You've got the Easter holidays to really revise hard. Have you started revising yet?

You mention that you have oral exams, is there anybody that you can practice this with? I know when I was doing my oral exams at GCSE I coupled up with someone and it really helped to practice with someone.

It isn't unusual to feel settled where you are - I know I certainly do. I just think you need to look at university as a new experience that you will gain so much from. Everybody will be in the same boat as you when you get there so try and make friends with people in the first few weeks - perhaps by joining societies?

Regarding your summer, do you have any interests that you could further? Can you afford to go on a holiday somewhere - even going somewhere on your own could be a refreshing break for you? Without knowing what sort of person you are it is difficult to advise of what to do in the summer but perhaps brainstorm and see where that takes you.

I hope I have been a little help

Sarah xx