The Student Room Group

Work Experience in the Civil Service?


I'm looking for work experience. I'm interested in a career in the diplomatic service, but after writing to the Foreign Office, they've told me only pre-selected London schools are being used. I've tried finding work experience opportunities in other ministries but without much luck. If anyone's had a placement in the civil service and enjoyed it or have some advice, i would be really grateful to hear it!

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Reply 2
Foreign Office used to do a work experience scheme fo r 16/17yr olds but that was discontinued due to lack of funding i to whther they offer other wrk exp options i'm not too sure myself...

I also did work exp at the Home office located in Croydon. What you could do is find the contact details from the Human Resource department from the Civil Service website and send them a CV along with a cover letter asking for wrk exp. Better do this early as they need time do do security checks etc
Reply 3
There are details on their website about FCO work placements.

Essentially, you have to be black or asian.
Reply 4
Yeah, lack of funding is the main reason why they're not opening it to everyone. How did you find the Home Office?
Reply 5
I got the Home office contact details through my school. The address I sent my CV to was this (not sure if its still applicable though but you could give it a try):
Human resources,

Essentially, you have to be black or asian

You needn't be any race to go on work exp as the home office, fco etc aim to give equal opportunity to wide range of people. There were quite a few people from different range of backgrounds when i went to the FCO. All you need is proof that you have stayed in UK for more a number of yrs.
Reply 6
Thanks Fallen. How did you find working at the Home Office? What sort of jobs did they get you to do?
Reply 7
It was alright, tho at times quite boring as all i got to do was admin like reorderin files...but some of the files i came across was quite interestin especialli wen it was about the immigration of one well-known celebrity... (soz can't really disclose much as they do want u to be discreet) :smile:

It relli depends on which department you get sent to. I went to Border control which was ok.They also gave me tours around the Asylum seeking area where they gave demos of a finger-print processing computer.

I also got the chance to go to a conference discussing EU issues.
Reply 8
Yes, I did work experience in the DWP (benefit agency). Fascinating from an anthropological perspective, what was slightly less interesting was running the internal post system.
Reply 9

i worked at the DWP for about 11 months in my gap year. (The Pension Service). I had to award benefits to people, after checking their claim, assessing their details and making a decision.

It taught me quite a lot, but wasn't the most intellectually challenging of positions
Reply 10
like the person above there said, contact apollo house as they're the human resources department in croydon. alternatively maybe in the summer hols u could get a temporary contract for 2-3 months with a recruitment agency to work for the home office
Reply 11
can a person from singapore nationality apply for a place in the civil services here in the UK ?
Reply 12
that's tough... it depends on which Department you work for, although I think as a general principle you need to hold a British passport - when I first joined DWP, they asked everyone to bring passports in; there was a chap who had a Nepalese passport who was asked to leave because the rules state that people of Nepalese nationality can not be in the civil service, but can serve in the Army!

At the very least, you need a passport/visa that allows you to stay and work in the UK for the length of time you require.
Reply 13
Thanks everyone, the amusing comments provided some light relief from revision. I only required two weeks, one of which will be from the school year and the other the first of the six weeks hol. I'm still trying to get something foreign/diplomatic related though, but I might have to look at the other departments if I'm not successful (which means I will be on the home office website shortly...:rolleyes: )