The Student Room Group


Hey everybody, Ive been seeing someone once a week for about a month and a bit now and we both decided we dont want anything serious just a bit of fun, however last night we got a bit carried away and ended up sleeping with each other. Afterwards I said are you just going to f*** me off now ? and he said no you best not f*** me off though but basically im thinking that by sleeping with him he might not want anything to do with me now as hes got what he wanted? I really hope this isnt the case, but IF he does see me again, do i continue to sleep with him ( im not pressured, im happy with it) or shall i cool it for a little so then he might appreciate me more, or will he just think i have gone off him?
Its his bday in about a month so i said well thats your bday pressie gone :frown: but i dont know whether we would still speak to each other in a month, and he said noo we will be.
Sooo basically as he is reffering to the future do you think this was just something he was saying or do you think he really means it?
A few weeks ago he said he will see how things go and then they might turn into a relationship maybe, but now im thinking IF now i want a relationship do you think he wont as he has already got sex of me?
By the way its not like i do this often, I never sleep with anyone unless in a relationship, this is a one off.
Thanx in advance
Reply 1
Don't beat yourself up about sleeping with him... it happens sometime. And don't assume he just wanted the one thing... but I would cool it a little... try dating a little bit, talking... and then if that seems solid, ease back into the physical.
hmmmmm tricky i'd see how it goes with him
Reply 3
Okk... so If he wants me to go round again ( hopefully he does :s-smilie:), i should slow things down ( have fun but no sex) for a little while and see he if he is still sticking around ?xx
no sex
Reply 5
i dunno, how are you going to manae that one? you ve had it once, i think he'll leave if you dont keep on having it. its nowt to do with 'he's only out for one thing' but rather, you have made it known you are avaliabvle and set the tomne of the relaitonship already. i dont know what to
Play it by ear. Do what you are happy with. Do you like sleeping with him? Then thats cool. If he bu**ers off as a result... well, thats an occupational hazard. Ditto with if you cool it off. Don't worry about trying to second guess him, just do what you want and see how it goes.