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Reply 1
You need to do cardiovascular exercise as well, just doing sit up does nothing. there was a theory that it would take 250,000 sit ups to burn a pound of fat. Go for a run or something.
Reply 2
Like i posted on another thread...

You don't need money for this :

Some information is a bit old fashioned but the routines and diets etc are still sound advice.

You can do all of these exercises in your home - no cost :smile:

I done this a few years back - each lesson takes one week - by lesson six I was seeing some nice results.
Reply 3
i dont think girls mind actually, its just an added bonus.
Washboard stomachs are nice to look at, but personally (I'm a girl) if I saw a guy whose body was really muscular and "perfect" I'd just think he's vain. I think most girls would want their boyfriends to be look fit and healthy, but a six pack really isn't really on the "must have" list.
Reply 5
I'm not fat, but my stomach isn't really.... toned. Thanks for the link law:tongue:ortal - I checked it out first time round, and it seemed good.
Pretty Boy
Thats unfair!

What if he looked kind or whatever?

you can be kind, but also vain.:wink: Anyway, that was a generalisation, yet most girls I know don't really go for that look.
Reply 7
girls love it. they often say they don't, but when they get someone with some nice abs they don't exactly complain.

Reply 8
I'll be honest - I like a toned tum. By which I -don't- mean a really visible six pack...I'd much rather it be the sort that you only see when the guy tenses his stomach or whatever! Still, I don't think most girls are that bothered.

Agreed about the Perfect Muscular Guy - I know it's not really fair, but then, if I see a girl whose face is caked with makeup and who has massive false nails on, I tend to make unfair assumptions about her as well. It doesn't mean I won't talk to them or anything like that.
Reply 9
girls love it. they often say they don't, but when they get someone with some nice abs they don't exactly complain.


Well obviously we won't complain (though I know some who like a 'chunkier' man, heh heh) but it doesn't mean we care excessively about it. I've never seen any of my ex-boyfriends' stomachs before we started going out, anyway, and it would never be the basis for a break-up. :biggrin:

(Unless they were pregnant or something like that....)
Eww. six packs are gross.

It just looks so false and.. yuk.

My boyf just has a nice flat belly and I love it.. all those lines and stuff.. Its just wrong.

And I agree with one above poster who said that there may be a corrolation between men with six packs and men who love themselves. Although Its not necessaily accurate, it is a common misconception with us girlies.

I wouldn't date a guy with one, and my mate agrees! :smile:
Muscular legs are the sexiest thing I can think of..

My mate says arms..

But the day my boyfriends boobs are bigger than mine, I would seriously reconsider..
Reply 12
Even if you did have a "washboard stomach" (hate that phrase), how would a girl know you had it?

If you just showed it her or set it as your MSN display picture then that's just vain.

To get a "washboard stomach" you need to get down to less than about 8% body fat and have done lots of abdominal exercises (i.e. situps, hanging hip raises, etc.).

Also, I wouldn't bother doing 1,000 situps daily either, it makes me laugh when people tell me their workout routine:
- 50 Press Ups
- 50 Sit Ups
- 50 Curls


You should do weighted hanging hip raises if normal hanging hip raises are too easy (i.e. if you can do more than 3 sets of 8 reps).

However, hanging hip raises and sit-ups will only do the top 4 sections of your abs, to train the lower two sections of your abs you must do some sort of exercise which involves rotation around the hips sort of. The classic one is just normal situps but when your torso is perpendicular to the floor you should reach to one of your sides with both your arms (say, your right side) and alternate sides per rep (i.e. reach to your left side on the next rep).

Seriously though, I doubt females care for how our bodies look (to an extent) much compared to how much males care for how their bodies look.

Seriously though, I doubt females care for how our bodies look (to an extent) much compared to how much males care for how their bodies look.

Hit the nail on the head there..
Reply 14
Well obviously we won't complain (though I know some who like a 'chunkier' man, heh heh) but it doesn't mean we care excessively about it. I've never seen any of my ex-boyfriends' stomachs before we started going out, anyway, and it would never be the basis for a break-up. :biggrin:

(Unless they were pregnant or something like that....)

well it turns girls on, and they deny it.
Reply 15
Even if you did have a "washboard stomach" (hate that phrase), how would a girl know you had it?

If you just showed it her or set it as your MSN display picture then that's just vain.

To get a "washboard stomach" you need to get down to less than about 8% body fat and have done lots of abdominal exercises (i.e. situps, hanging hip raises, etc.).

Also, I wouldn't bother doing 1,000 situps daily either, it makes me laugh when people tell me their workout routine:
- 50 Press Ups
- 50 Sit Ups
- 50 Curls


You should do weighted hanging hip raises if normal hanging hip raises are too easy (i.e. if you can do more than 3 sets of 8 reps).

However, hanging hip raises and sit-ups will only do the top 4 sections of your abs, to train the lower two sections of your abs you must do some sort of exercise which involves rotation around the hips sort of. The classic one is just normal situps but when your torso is perpendicular to the floor you should reach to one of your sides with both your arms (say, your right side) and alternate sides per rep (i.e. reach to your left side on the next rep).

well that made me laugh. you think doing sit ups etc just isolates the top 4 'sections' of the abdominals?

To get a "washboard stomach" you need to get down to less than about 8% body fat and have done lots of abdominal exercises (i.e. situps, hanging hip raises, etc.).

yeah, sure you do :rolleyes:. except getting that low is extremely difficult and rare. its completely different for every person, but on average it is a lot higher than 8%.
Ah, that's encouraging news. I'll just finished off these breakfast muffins, drink my hot chocolate, and then decide to lower my workout from 3 sits ups a month to one. I can conveniently fit that in when I sit up in bed in the morning - ha, I'm a genius!
Reply 17
well that made me laugh. you think doing sit ups etc just isolates the top 4 'sections' of the abdominals?

yeah, sure you do :rolleyes:. except getting that low is extremely difficult and rare. its completely different for every person, but on average it is a lot higher than 8%.

So you think he'll get a "washboard stomach" just by doing situps?
i like slim guys with a flat toned stomach, but not really a 6 pack i dont find that particularly attractive. pecs are nice, but stomach should be just flat i reakon.
Reply 19
To answer the question: no, I couldn't care less.

Washboard stomachs usually mean the guy is skinny too, which is a big turn off for me.