My gf and I have been together for more than 2 years now. Most of that time was in our 2nd and 3rd year at Uni, but now I've moved back to the far off country where I live. She came out for a couple of months in the summer, but didn't like it, I went back for a couple of weaks in November-December to do various things. We are staying together because I said that we should seeing as I might go back to UK for a Masters in September.
But recently I feel like I have to make all the effort to keep this long-distance thing going. I am the one who calls, and when I do its always like I have to drive the conversation most of the time which is very taxing. She usually emails me back when I email her, and sometimes she has sent longer emails than me, but she never calls or emails me of her own accord only in reply to me. It seems like we are drifting apart, and I don't have the energy to be the only one trying working to make it work. Some times she is a bit passive-aggressive, and she hasn't emailed me for a while, is she playing games with me? Does she want me to break up with her? What should I do?