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When i do PE at school there is one person no matter what we are playing rugby football or basketball who goes looking for a fight. yesterday playing basketball because i tackled him he threw the ball in my face and also punched my friend in the face. The teacher did not do anything about it, and i have had enough of him bustling about self-importantly being an officious nuisance. I have decided next time he attacks i will strike back and shock him, this is not how i usually operate but he is not punished by the teachers and i think for his own good and society i should do it. Any ideas of how to take revenge?
Reply 1
Will Grimes1
When i do PE at school there is one person no matter what we are playing rugby football or basketball who goes looking for a fight. yesterday playing basketball because i tackled him he threw the ball in my face and also punched my friend in the face. The teacher did not do anything about it, and i have had enough of him bustling about self-importantly being an officious nuisance. I have decided next time he attacks i will strike back and shock him, this is not how i usually operate but he is not punished by the teachers and i think for his own good and society i should do it. Any ideas of how to take revenge?

although i understand your frustration, i don't feel that striking back is necessarily the best option? have you tried talking to the teacher, or another neutral member of staff (lame i know, probably the last thing you want to do)? that might help!
Reply 2
You should just stab him :rolleyes:
you know its not going to solve anything? if anything he will just try to get you back next time, and if hes a **** (like he sounds) he;ll probably jump you with all his friends.
although i understand your frustration, i don't feel that striking back is necessarily the best option? have you tried talking to the teacher, or another neutral member of staff (lame i know, probably the last thing you want to do)? that might help!

I know what you're saying and I agree that violence isnt a good solution, but in these cases it is often the only solution. The teacher has done f**k all to stop it and probably never will and the little scumbag needs to be taught a lesson. Wait til he's by himself and headbutt the c***. Bullies will usually go for the weak target, the one that wont fight back so they know they can have a laugh and get away with it. You need to show the scumbag that you're prepared to stick up for yourself and your mates.
Reply 4
I know what you're saying and I agree that violence isnt a good solution, but in these cases it is often the only solution. The teacher has done f**k all to stop it and probably never will and the little scumbag needs to be taught a lesson. Wait til he's by himself and headbutt the c***. Bullies will usually go for the weak target, the one that wont fight back so they know they can have a laugh and get away with it. You need to show the scumbag that you're prepared to stick up for yourself and your mates.

Why the hell does that make someone 'weak'?? :confused: It is far stronger a person who can resist the temptation to use violence against someone else, and be the bigger person. To the OP, do not go smacking this gadgey's block off; let another tutor know, perhaps your form tutor or someone higher up in authority. I had a similar problem with my PE teacher not listening for various reasons but it got sorted. :hugs: Hope your problem goes away.
Reply 5
Next time you're playing, take him down in a well timed nasty tackle and vigorously claim that it was an accident.
Reply 6
dont say all that **** about the moral highground that is what everyone does and it does not solve anything he needs to be taught a proper lesson. Somebody needs to stand up to him his parents obviously didnt and the teachers dont he just gets praise for when he is slightly good. That is another thing that annoys me just because he has anger problems and "hard" times everyone should praise him and be nice even teachers. Not any more
Reply 7
is he big/bully/strong? if he is, then get all the 20 people on u're PE team to dog-pile him..

if he is a teensie-weensie-spider-monkey, push him into the nearby gutter and hope he never reappears again
Bitch-slap him really hard next time you're playing b'ball. Imagine you've got the ball, he comes in for the tackle, you drop the ball and just slap him in the face (so it makes a really good noise) and then run away laughing. That'll earn you respect in the playground. The school might also wanna make you headboy.
Reply 9
I feel what your saying, unfortunately there are some circumstances in which you have to resort to violence, particularly at school, its all very well to say the "strong" person walks away, but the stronger person has the balls to step up to some1 who is a bully and obviously universally disliked. I like englishstudents idea, a slap to the face is very demeaning, plus you wont cause any serious harm to the dude, which may result in some action by the school.
Why the hell does that make someone 'weak'?? :confused: It is far stronger a person who can resist the temptation to use violence against someone else, and be the bigger person. To the OP, do not go smacking this gadgey's block off; let another tutor know, perhaps your form tutor or someone higher up in authority. I had a similar problem with my PE teacher not listening for various reasons but it got sorted. :hugs: Hope your problem goes away.

What are you on about? I was saying, the type of people bullies prefer to pick on are the weaker members of society, i.e. ones who cannot stick up for themselves or who are afraid to tell someone about it. That's when the bully knows he can get away with it and keep on doing it. A bully isnt going to pick on a bloke who's built like a brick sh*t house and loves a good tear up is he?

And did you give me neg rep for my post? cos whoever did is a d**k.
Why the hell does that make someone 'weak'?? :confused: It is far stronger a person who can resist the temptation to use violence against someone else, and be the bigger person. To the OP, do not go smacking this gadgey's block off; let another tutor know, perhaps your form tutor or someone higher up in authority. I had a similar problem with my PE teacher not listening for various reasons but it got sorted. :hugs: Hope your problem goes away.

if you genuinley believe that it makes you a stronger person to back down and take the beating everytime then you are seriously deluded about life.
Reply 12
if you wanna hurt him, do it outside of school.
i dont think u shld fight back, you will probably end up in trouble and he'll get away with it. i know its difficult but just dont let him wind you up, ignore him and he shld get bored
i dont think u shld fight back, you will probably end up in trouble and he'll get away with it. i know its difficult but just dont let him wind you up, ignore him and he shld get bored

Like mrbraincell says, do it outside if school. Then if he grasses you up the next day, just deny everything. Deny you nutted him, deny you were there, deny you've got a sister... f**k it... deny your entire existence.
Reply 15
Fighting isn't the answer...Go to a different teacher, anyone, doesn't matter...our careers teacher used to the best person for us to talk to. Otherwise we had head of year, head of upper school, or the form tutors. Just because one teacher doesn't listen doesn't mean the rest won't. If you get him back, hes likely to just keep gettying you because of the reaction...ignore him, like the sam post, and then i think he will give up, especially if he gets no reaction from you.