The Student Room Group
Reply 1
write do mr chewit, they might send you a new pack. also if you chewits get warm dont they stick to the wrappers --> very messy. onece i had a chocolate bar that had been wrapped twice by the machine - it very exciting.:smile:
Reply 2
could be as a result of the fact that the producers of chewits have annouinced the closure of thier factory in Britain....
Reply 3
could be as a result of the fact that the producers of chewits have annouinced the closure of thier factory in Britain....

say it ain't so! :cry:
Reply 4
Another corporation to move over to where labour is cheap? Now fruit salad flavour will become tikka masala flavour :rolleyes:

But yeah it is annoying when they stick. 'Tis why I stick with Starburst :biggrin:
Reply 5
I had an unwrapped cherry drop once, so I sent it back with a letter saying how disappointed I was, and I got a £2.50 voucher for more cherry drops!
Reply 6
Never buy a chocolate from one of those machines on the platforms of the London Underground, unless you want a gooey stick of caramel surrounded by a brown chocolate flavoured liquid. Needless to say, it wasn't pleasant.
Reply 7
The vending machines I use are the best 'cos I just love the sound of the polos smashing as they're dropped... :biggrin: :rolleyes:
Write back, you will get vouchers/complimentary packets and can enjoy them all the more knowing that they are at someone elses expense...mmm
Reply 9
Stick Man, Inc.
The vending machines I use are the best 'cos I just love the sound of the polos smashing as they're dropped... :biggrin: :rolleyes:

I once got 10 month out of date polos from a vending machine!
Well if we're going to play a game of whose-machine-sucks-the-most (no double entendre intended); when you press coin return on the ones I use they make a great whirring noise but it doesn't give you your money back :p: So there.
Reply 11
I know a machine which rocks. The drinks machine in the school canteen! We have a cashless card system, but sometimes the little computer which you put your card into on the front of the machine crashes and so you can just press the buttons on the front of the machine as many times as you can and clean it of as many drinks as you can before it resets. If you're really quick, you can get about 8 out. But shhh, don't tell the canteen staff (or anyone else for that matter, it's my own little trick).
*tells everyone in Rotterdam, anywhere, Liverpool or Rome*
Original post by &#964
I know a machine which rocks. The drinks machine in the school canteen! We have a cashless card system, but sometimes the little computer which you put your card into on the front of the machine crashes and so you can just press the buttons on the front of the machine as many times as you can and clean it of as many drinks as you can before it resets. If you're really quick, you can get about 8 out. But shhh, don't tell the canteen staff (or anyone else for that matter, it's my own little trick).

once the canteen staff back at school left the vending machine unlocked. We didn't clear it out though, far to clever for that we locked it for them.... having reprogrammed it so all the prices were 5p! :biggrin:
once the canteen staff back at school left the vending machine unlocked. We didn't clear it out though, far to clever for that we locked it for them.... having reprogrammed it so all the prices were 5p! :biggrin:

Our 6th form run the vending machine (only one for the 6th form and teachers) and we get all the profit, so it really isnt in our favour to put all the prices to 5p :p:
I wrote to Mr Mars Bar complaing once and got 4 pounds of mars bar vouchers. woo!
:eek: wow! I must complain more!
Never buy a chocolate from one of those machines on the platforms of the London Underground, unless you want a gooey stick of caramel surrounded by a brown chocolate flavoured liquid. Needless to say, it wasn't pleasant.

No, the London Underground ones are the best! It's not a vending machine, it's like gambling! Will you get a chocolate? Will you get the one you wanted? Will four Dairy Milks and the money you put in tumble out?

Great stuff.

Also, if you go up to it, don't put any money in and press '110', you get a little message. Great stuff.