Hey guys...
Ok, so I'm hoping to do the LPC (legal practice course) in the following september and I've been offered places by Westminster uni and also by Manchester Metropolitan uni but I haven't a clue as to which offer I should accept. Both uni's got a 'very good' rating for their LPC...however Manchester is closer to home for me so that's one advantage of it. I can go home every weekend and get mummy dearest to do my washing lol.
However, I love London life and would love to live there but then the disadvantage of it is that it's tooooo far from home. Although that's not really a problem for me...I'd like to live away from home...it's better innit!
Money also comes into it...London is more expensive and Manchester is cheaper.
Umm and eventually once I become a qualified solicitor I would like to work in London so i'm thinking that would it be best if i go and study in london now so that i can get used to the life there...hmmm.
I haven't yet been to see the uni's...but I'm going to the manchester met open day on wednesday...and if I can then I'm gonna go to London to see Westminster uni in the next week or so.
I really need some helpful advice from other people to help me come to a decision...so please let me know your views on which uni you think would be the best one for me to do my postgraduate LPC at.
Thanks xXx