The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Obviously you'll get some ********s everywhere, but I'd say there's no more than the normal amount at Bristol at all. Don't let them put you off.
Reply 2
Are you expecting to get an unbiased opinion on this by asking Bristol students :p: ?! Yes, we are a horribly unfriendly lot!

It's the same as any other uni i'd have thought, they take a whole spectrum of get some nice ones and some nasty ones...perhaps the people you've heard this from just met the wrong ones! Can't say i've ever noticed it to be an unfriendly place! :smile:
Reply 3
Plz tell me the whole Bristol being unfriendly is not true. Im really looking forward to going to Bristol and it being alot of fun
Reply 4
Plz tell me the whole Bristol being unfriendly is not true. Im really looking forward to going to Bristol and it being alot of fun

Well I'll be on your course (L100 right?)- and I'm in the same mind-frame.

Perhaps the view was only due to Open Day experiences where some people, including me, were extreeemmmllyyy tired- so appeared unfriendly.

Maybe it varies with Halls of residences.. or maybe the people I've talked to were just talking crap.
Reply 5
Trust me, it's not an issue.
Reply 6
Jus hope ill find some friendly people. lol.
that is complete rubbish!!! everyone here is really nice and really friendly, u constantly meet new people n just talk to them. whoever told u that was talking ****
Reply 8
that is complete rubbish!!! everyone here is really nice and really friendly, u constantly meet new people n just talk to them. whoever told u that was talking ****

Exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm really not sure why I even posted- as people from all round the country goto Bristol.. just like every other Uni.
I'm sure I read somewhere that Bristol was voted the 'smiliest' place in the country...

But then again, that could've been University propaganda! :tongue:
Reply 10
There are nice people, there are complete tos$ers. But yeah when i first arrived it was pretty damn smiley, (it's mostly true when the sun's out) :biggrin:
Reply 11
The people here are really so, so lovely...I'm missing the friends I've made at uni so so much now I'm back at home - I wanna be back in Bristol! (back on friday ---woooooh!)
Reply 12
Bristol unfriendly???

get this:

so the answer to your qu is .... NO! it is THE most friendly place! lol
Reply 13
I hate everyone in bristol.

No really. We're all tossers.

Hmmm, I don't think you're going to find us saying that we're unfriendly somehow :smile:

We're all lovely friendly people really.

In fact there's only person I've met who I don't like, out of some 200 odd so I'm sure we can't be too bad as a student body.
Reply 14
In fact there's only person I've met who I don't like, out of some 200 odd so.

Cheers Harry :suith: you too
Reply 15
Cheers Harry :suith: you too

O forgot about you.

Thats 2 people I don't like.

Reply 16
O forgot about you.

Thats 2 people I don't like.


If anyone has heard Bristol is an unfriendly place, it's mostly based on Harry... Sulking around the HC aisle of the A.S.S Library and hurling abuse down on the peasants from his tower whilst watching copiuous amounts of films.

And yes, i love you too Harry
I didn't think anyone with a brain took the Bristol/UWE rivalry really it's just the UWE students who make an issue of it! :biggrin: :p:

No, really, Bristol's extremely friendly. I haven't met horrible people here.
no I dont find much uwe/bristol rivallry, and what there is is a joke! iv met loads of nice guys from uwe, they r very friendly actually.
Reply 19
Its just a local rivalry, a joke, as someone said. No more serious than some of our hall rivalries.