I really don’t want this to sound like a rant, but the excuse that “the course isn’t for me” really doesn’t wash.
I’m coming to the end of a degree in International Relations. There are hundreds of universities in the UK that offer International Relations courses, but they are all different in one way or another. It’s very important that you RESEARCH the courses you are thinking of applying to do BEFORE you apply. Research doesn’t mean reading the prospectus (which doesn’t give you the full picture anyway most of the time) and going to visit the university, it means digging on the university website, reading the module guides, knowing who the staff are and what research interests they have – so that you can see if their interests and the modules they offer match YOUR interests.
It’s not only the first year courses you need to research, you should have some kind of plan in your mind for the second and third years so that you can look ahead and plan what you want to do. In my case, most of the modules that I thought of doing in the final year were no longer being run by the time I got to the third year, but luckily, the modules I’ve taken have been much better than the ones I was going to take.
If anyone believes that a Law degree, or a Media studies degree, or a Geography degree is going to be the same in every University, then you are very much mistaken!