The Student Room Group

Mates or more?

I'm really confused. Me & this guy have been friends for a few months now we're in the same college and we seem to get along really well together and i really enjoy being with him. But nowadays we usually hold hands or hug and we went to the park and stuff together. Do "friends" hold hands and hug? He even held my hand next to his mates.. and he also playfights me and does all these things that annoy me but in a good way :smile: The other day he wanted to go somewhere alone with me because we were talking and his mates came. He isn't making much of a move apart from what i've mentioned and i don't know what to do!! Please help!

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Oh please, you two are gonna kiss within days!
Reply 2
Should I go for the kiss? What if he rejects me lol
Reply 3
i sincerely doubt he'll reject you if you try to kiss him!

seems like its only a matter of time to me at least. take it cool when your alone
Don't kiss him. Not quite yet. Something will happen soon enough though.
Reply 5
He might squeeze your bum if you play your cards right, tread carefully though.
Reply 6
He keeps slappin ma bum lol :biggrin:
Reply 7
& I shouldn't kiss him yet? If i dont make a move then he wont make a move and then I'll be leavin colege this year :frown: so i wont see him again.
Reply 8
just make the move...
Well go for it then. I imagined you had ages. Just go for it. :rolleyes:
Reply 10
Just grab his head and kiss him. That way he can't pull away.
I hold hands and hug my mate, but we're not anythin more. Is that ok right?
Reply 12
Yeah but in theory it usually leads to something more.

Next month you will be having sex.
Reply 13
I'm really confused. Me & this guy have been friends for a few months now we're in the same college and we seem to get along really well together and i really enjoy being with him. But nowadays we usually hold hands or hug and we went to the park and stuff together. Do "friends" hold hands and hug? He even held my hand next to his mates.. and he also playfights me and does all these things that annoy me but in a good way :smile: The other day he wanted to go somewhere alone with me because we were talking and his mates came. He isn't making much of a move apart from what i've mentioned and i don't know what to do!! Please help!

you're probably attracted to each other, but are better off as friends...

you can always go for "friends-with-benefits" situations...those, in my opinion, are much, much more fun than bf/gf...

coz both parties get to have fun, without anyone getting used or anything, coz you're still friends..:biggrin:
Reply 14
you're probably attracted to each other, but are better off as friends...

you can always go for "friends-with-benefits" situations...those, in my opinion, are much, much more fun than bf/gf...

coz both parties get to have fun, without anyone getting used or anything, coz you're still friends..:biggrin:

Those never work :p:, one of them always get's more attached.
Er, friends hug - holding hands is a bit more.
ok... so what? do you suggested I just stop holding her hand, stroking her hair etc? (I'm a girl btw for what its worth)
Anon 2, I do the same but neither of us (well I don't think) are attracted to the other.
I do love my friend, I like holding hands with her and stroking her hair, and hugging her. But I'm not attracted to her.