The Student Room Group

i feel ill

My symptoms:
-Snivelly nose
-Clammy sweaty feverishness
-Dizziness (I thought maybe was cos of hangover or cos I hadnt eaten, but now my hangover's over and Ive eaten lunch and dinner and it's still here. ive been drinking copious amounts of water too)
-Actually being sick.
-A hacking cough.
-More know when you're sitting down and SOBER and youre all swaying and your head feels like it's gonna fall off, and you keep almost lapsing into unconciousness? That.
-A grinding/hoarse throat.
-A headache. Which is the worst in the morning, although suprisingly was better this morning (with a hangover) than Friday morning (without) when I couldnt get up and slept from about 11pm till 1.30pm and still felt rough.
-Lack of interest in alcohol.
-Hot/Cold sweats.
-Again, it's mainly my dizziness bothering me. And things being occassionally blurry. It's bugging me alot!
-Oh..and things like going to update the films i like on myspace, not being able to remember them, going to the room right by me to look at the videos, then not being able to remember them when I get back to the computer!! Id remember one each trip.. Now my memory's bad, but never that bad!!!

My parents said lack of sleep, but Ive been really tired in last few days and felt like this, so been sleeping alot!! I even missed school Friday cos i slept through my alarm at 10, and woke up *just* too late for my lesson (1.30), feeling really ****..

It's prob nothing, but if you know anything to alliviate this stuff and make me feel better.. it's be appriciated!!!! Thanks
Have you thought about going to the doctors because that is one long list of symptons :s-smilie:
try asking your gp thats the best advice i can give !
Reply 3
No, you're not ill, all those symptoms are completely normal for a healthy teenager.
sounds like flu. theres a bug goin round, my mate had it. she was dizzy a lot. but im not a doctor. ask your gp
Reply 5
Ok cheers. Thing is, whenever I mention the doctors, my parents are like "dont be stupid.. water, rest and maybe some paracetamol's all you need" or "take a day off school then...." sounding I dont much like telling them Im ill, or resting anymore, cos they dont believe me. Plus Ive had bad experiences with doctors so arent fond of them. But I'll prob go monday.
Reply 6
Well, my advice from that list of stuff would be take some paracetamol, make sure you keep hydrated (really important if you're feverish), and rest completely for a day. If it's still horrible by next week, it might be worth a trip to the docs, as it is - sounds like a regular normal lurgy to me (but this is not absolutely binding advice)
Reply 7
Hehe, I like how you list a lack of interest in alcohol as a symptom...

In all seriousness, like Helenia says, it just sounds like a bug you've picked up off someone...
I'm currently getting over similar symptoms, still got the bad cough and sore throat though. I went to the doctors and he listed all my symptoms before I even said them... he said it's a viral infection so he couldn't give me antibiotics because obviously they wouldn't do anything... just take some form of painkillers, drink plenty (but slowly I found, otherwise I was sick), avoid smoke and rest. I feel generally better now, just kept up at night by my cough!
Reply 9
My symptoms:
-Snivelly nose
-Clammy sweaty feverishness
-Dizziness (I thought maybe was cos of hangover or cos I hadnt eaten, but now my hangover's over and Ive eaten lunch and dinner and it's still here. ive been drinking copious amounts of water too)
-Actually being sick.
-A hacking cough.
-More know when you're sitting down and SOBER and youre all swaying and your head feels like it's gonna fall off, and you keep almost lapsing into unconciousness? That.
-A grinding/hoarse throat.
-A headache. Which is the worst in the morning, although suprisingly was better this morning (with a hangover) than Friday morning (without) when I couldnt get up and slept from about 11pm till 1.30pm and still felt rough.
-Lack of interest in alcohol.
-Hot/Cold sweats.
-Again, it's mainly my dizziness bothering me. And things being occassionally blurry. It's bugging me alot!
-Oh..and things like going to update the films i like on myspace, not being able to remember them, going to the room right by me to look at the videos, then not being able to remember them when I get back to the computer!! Id remember one each trip.. Now my memory's bad, but never that bad!!!

My parents said lack of sleep, but Ive been really tired in last few days and felt like this, so been sleeping alot!! I even missed school Friday cos i slept through my alarm at 10, and woke up *just* too late for my lesson (1.30), feeling really ****..

It's prob nothing, but if you know anything to alliviate this stuff and make me feel better.. it's be appriciated!!!! Thanks

you're dying
Reply 10
You have the flu, simple!