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Age Difference

Say you are an 18 year old guy, and this 32yr old woman starts basically saying that she wants to go out with you, split from her husband and has a 18 month daughter.

I mean legally there is nothing wrong with it etc, and I'm one of those people who think's age is just a number etc But I know with friends and family there is gonna be trouble :frown: why is it such a problem age:redface:

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Reply 1
Age means nothing. As long as you love the person, go for it. Age is only a physical descriptor :smile:
as Aaliyah said in her song, "Age aint nothing but a number"
Say you are an 18 year old guy, and this 32yr old woman starts basically saying that she wants to go out with you, split from her husband and has a 18 month daughter.

I mean legally there is nothing wrong with it etc, and I'm one of those people who think's age is just a number etc But I know with friends and family there is gonna be trouble :frown: why is it such a problem age:redface:

I think in this scenario, age is the least of your problems.

Reply 4
Reply 5
Family and friends worry about age because they assume that if someone is 14 years older that they will take advantage
I think you need to be happy that you will be able to cope with what happens if you do go out with her.

There will be many consequences - such as the reaction of your family, her family. It won't be easy but if you do love her then as others have said it shouldn't be a problem.

Sarah xx
Reply 7
Age shouldn't matter but in this instance I'd say it's a bit more complicated. Are you really ready to help raise a baby?
You're at really different stages of your life when you're 18 and 32, which is exemplified by her being divorced and having a child while you're.. at university? While I'm not doubting that you like each other, since I really don't's likely that you'd have different outlooks on a relationship when you're 32 compared to now. Seriously..think how much you've changed since you were like...14 - and that was just 4 years ago. Could you date a 14 year old? (Leaving out the legal issues etc etc) I know it's not exactly the same but I don't think age is just a number until you get to like mid 20s. Older people tend to have more experience and know how to get what they want from someone who's younger and less experienced. I guess that's the biggest concern.
Reply 9
Say you are an 18 year old guy, and this 32yr old woman starts basically saying that she wants to go out with you, split from her husband and has a 18 month daughter.

I mean legally there is nothing wrong with it etc, and I'm one of those people who think's age is just a number etc But I know with friends and family there is gonna be trouble :frown: why is it such a problem age:redface:

I think it can be a major problem, that age gap. With a gap that size, youre from differnt generations, so there's bound to be conflicts of interests, and differnt ideals, sparking arguments. Also, other people's views on it can ruin it for you, with people constantly looking down their nose at you and you both getting upset about it, causing yet more problems in the relationship. And an 18 year old who's never had kids is unlikely to have the maturity that the 32yr old woman has, which will make looking after her kid quite difficult and tiring.

Im not saying that its wrong to go out with her, just that you need to be prepared for a hard work relationship, and that you need to learn to ignore other people's opinions and to compromise a lot. She'll be very set in her ways.
think the only problem with age is if you get say some girl around 13 go off with a guy around 30+ then there's a problem.
Reply 11
yeah I understand about the kid, I mean I used to look after it, that's how we got ot know one another.
Home wrecker. Thats what you are. A home wrecker.

Sorry, all I meant by that, was that age isn't really much of a problem. It's more the circumstances (ie having to raise someone else's kid/being at Uni ect) that might cause the problems.

edit: The other thing was, I'm not sure as to whether you ment she has split with her husband, or she was going to split with her husband to be with you?

No need to be offensive. As he says...she is DIVORCED - not in the process of divorcing. Society classifies such relationships as automatically bad, although i think (generalising) that perhaps the fact that you are 18 and she is 32 is of more importance that if you were other ages with the same difference, you do have completely different life experiences, but if they work together and you make each other happy, then good luck to you...

I had a relationship with someone 10 years older than me, and it was amazing, great great memories.
If you've found someone you click with and you really love each other, my advice to you would be **** what everybody else thinks! Life's too short. :biggrin:
Reply 16
The age difference is fine. The problem here is that she's divorced her husband to be with you, when her child is seriously too young to understand. Also, as someone already said, are you mature enough to raise someone else's kid? Particularly if you end up together for a few years (and hey, it's a possibility) and that kid goes to school and gets teased about his/her mummy's having a toyboy. Because that is what you'll be in the eyes of everyone else.

From your perspective, it's all fine and sunny. Think about the kid, for god's sake.
The age difference is fine. The problem here is that she's divorced her husband to be with you, when her child is seriously too young to understand. Also, as someone already said, are you mature enough to raise someone else's kid? Particularly if you end up together for a few years (and hey, it's a possibility) and that kid goes to school and gets teased about his/her mummy's having a toyboy. Because that is what you'll be in the eyes of everyone else.

From your perspective, it's all fine and sunny. Think about the kid, for god's sake.

Well said. People shouldnt interfere with other married people, it just causes misery.
Reply 18
Personally I think the age gap is far too big for the relationship to last in the long term.
Reply 19
:frown: she doesn't look old, she looks about 25, so I don't think the child would get bullied, why wouldn't it last? I mean we have a lot in common. The Father of the child doesn't seem bothered, as they were in the process of splitting before I arrived on the scene.