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A2 AQA Coursework - Yeast Fermentation

I'm doing an investigation on the effect of different respiratory sugars on the rate of fermentation in yeast. We used glucose, sucrose, starch and no sugar.

Has anyone else done this coursework, and which stats test did you use? I'm not sure whether it would be best to do:

a) standard error and 95% confidence limits and plot standard error bars


b) t-test

Would I get more marks for the t-test?

Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
I did something similar looking at the respiration of yeast whilst using ethanol as an inhibitor. I was advised to use Spearmans Rank for mine.
Reply 2
Hmm I can't use Spearman's for mine. Thanks anyway though.

I'm trying to do the t-test now but I can't get my hand calculated values to match up with my excel values at all.
Reply 3
depends how many repeats u have. Strictly speaking u should have a hell of a lot of repeats to use standard error. I used t test for mine (cus i had less than 25repeats of each sugar).
Reply 4
I used standard error and 95% confidence limits. I had 29 repeats (ideally you should use 30). Every one in the class did 3 repeats and we put the results together to get 30 repeats.
Reply 5
Original post by alispam
I used standard error and 95% confidence limits. I had 29 repeats (ideally you should use 30). Every one in the class did 3 repeats and we put the results together to get 30 repeats.

hey! sorry if this sounds a bit stupid but whats the name for the stat test; is it standard error, or standard error and 95% confidence limits or are they different things? i've heard my teacher talking about standard error but he hasn't mentioned the confidence limit thing i don't think :s
Reply 6
Original post by dfghj
I'm doing an investigation on the effect of different respiratory sugars on the rate of fermentation in yeast. We used glucose, sucrose, starch and no sugar.

Has anyone else done this coursework, and which stats test did you use? I'm not sure whether it would be best to do:

a) standard error and 95% confidence limits and plot standard error bars


b) t-test

Would I get more marks for the t-test?

Thanks :smile:

Is this the Biol6x Coursework/Practical you're on about? :biggrin: