This happened some time ago, I'm just wondering if I've over reacted...
I broke up with my boyfriend at the time, and with him a matter of a week - two weeks my supposed best friend (a claim she made, not me), was sneaking off to sleep with him behind my back. There were very complicated reasons why we broke up. But we still had feelings for each other. The reason I have a problem with my supposed friend sleeping with him are:
(a) He was sleeping with her to get me back for dumping him, so therefore she was helping someone purposely hurt my feelings. Friends aren't supposed to do that.
(b) She didn't even waste anytime jumping into bed with him, so she was obviously waiting for such an opportunity to arise.
(c) She told lots of lies to cover up where she was, and borrowed money to go and see him, but said she was somewhere else (although she did pay me back).
When I did find out about it (my ex told me, to try and make me jealous) my friend didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what she did. And still wanted us to be friends! (I'm not friends with her now btw as I do not believe she can be trusted). She then started ranting on about how much she loves him and you can't help who you fall for. Yet she had only met up with him 2-3 times then.
Would anyone else be friends with this girl after that had happened?