The Student Room Group

Testicular Problem....

Right don't laugh, however I have a very embarrasing problem.

For a while now I have ignored it but I now need some advice.

Nothing actually wrong with the "balls" themselves, however on the left side, every so often it feels like "something" has fallen down into the "sack".

Its very hard to explain, and feels like stringy, and air?? But it makes the left side very big and looks odd. Also it pushes my left ball to the bottom, and sometimes its so big it hurts cos there is obv not enough room.

I have tried feeling it and it doesn't hurt of have any feelin at all, and does seem like something has like fallen down.

Any advice?
Reply 1
It's most likely an inflammation of the tubes that attach to your left ball.

Nothing to worry about, it usually passes on its own but may take a while.

However, you should still go to your GP and have it checked out because there's a small chance that it could be cancer - always have any lumps checked.
It's nothing to be embarrassed about, in fact most guys find a lump at some point.
Reply 2
Indeed. I remember going to the doctors to get checked out and letting him have a good old feel. Embarrasing but its better than death :wink:
Reply 3
I once thought I might have testicular cancer. God knows how, but the GP in that day was a good looking woman! Usually my GP is an old bald man. So she was fondling my balls for 10minutes and I was biting my tongue trying not toget an erection.