The Student Room Group

sex before marriage

Two questions:

a) If you were religious and didn't believe in sex before marriage, would
you only date other people who didn't believe in sex before marriage? If you
met someone you felt you had a connection with, but they'd had sex with a
previous boyfriend/girlfriend, would you still go out with them? (Not asking
whether you'd abandon your beliefs and have sex with them, just whether
you'd have a relationship with them.)

b) If you weren't religious, or were religious but didn't stick to the
no-sex-before-marriage rule, and you met someone who was perfect for you but
was a virgin and didn't believe in sex before marriage, could you commit to
a relationship with them in the full knowledge that you'd either never have
sex with them, or you'd have to wait until you were married?

All perspectives welcome, but particularly anyone who has any insight into a
situation where the guy is the virgin who doesn't believe in sex before
marriage, and the girl is the non-virgin.

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Reply 1
b) He wouldn't be perfect for me if he didn't believe in sex before marriage.
B) "Houston, we have a problem."
Two questions:

a) If you were religious and didn't believe in sex before marriage, would
you only date other people who didn't believe in sex before marriage
? If you
met someone you felt you had a connection with, but they'd had sex with a
previous boyfriend/girlfriend,
would you still go out with them? (Not asking
whether you'd abandon your beliefs and have sex with them, just whether
you'd have a relationship with them.)

yes, because i dont think the relationship would work otherwise.

depends on what their beliefs are. If we have the same religion and he/she just went against the religion, then no
But if he/she don't believe in "no sex before marriage" then I dont expect him/her to be a virgin... as for havin a relationship with someone like that... well you cant stop loving someone but were will u end?! :confused: thats when it really sucks, tell me about it.
Reply 4
what if two people believed in no sex before marraige but they had a differnt religion? That's also a dead end
Reply 5
Two questions:

a) If you were religious and didn't believe in sex before marriage, would
you only date other people who didn't believe in sex before marriage? If you
met someone you felt you had a connection with, but they'd had sex with a
previous boyfriend/girlfriend, would you still go out with them? (Not asking
whether you'd abandon your beliefs and have sex with them, just whether
you'd have a relationship with them.)

b) If you weren't religious, or were religious but didn't stick to the
no-sex-before-marriage rule, and you met someone who was perfect for you but
was a virgin and didn't believe in sex before marriage, could you commit to
a relationship with them in the full knowledge that you'd either never have
sex with them, or you'd have to wait until you were married?

All perspectives welcome, but particularly anyone who has any insight into a
situation where the guy is the virgin who doesn't believe in sex before
marriage, and the girl is the non-virgin.

I dont believe in the 'no sex before marriage'

Consumer society... you've gotta try before you buy.

I dont think I'd like to marry a virgin either, as I'd always be worried that they'd wonder what it was like elsewhere... : )
Reply 6
Two questions:

a) If you were religious and didn't believe in sex before marriage, would
you only date other people who didn't believe in sex before marriage? If you
met someone you felt you had a connection with, but they'd had sex with a
previous boyfriend/girlfriend, would you still go out with them? (Not asking
whether you'd abandon your beliefs and have sex with them, just whether
you'd have a relationship with them.)

b) If you weren't religious, or were religious but didn't stick to the
no-sex-before-marriage rule, and you met someone who was perfect for you but
was a virgin and didn't believe in sex before marriage, could you commit to
a relationship with them in the full knowledge that you'd either never have
sex with them, or you'd have to wait until you were married?

All perspectives welcome, but particularly anyone who has any insight into a
situation where the guy is the virgin who doesn't believe in sex before
marriage, and the girl is the non-virgin.

I am totally against religion... any kinda religion... (no offense to ANY religious people here, so please refrain from any stupid flames)... I really think it depends on the TYPE of person that I'd go out with... if she doesnt believe in sex-before-marriage BUT she's perfect for me, I would kinda refrain from hurrying into a relationship with her...

I have a friend who's TOTALLY religious... He sees anyone who's not a virgin before marriage as "touched" or "fornicated", and he's never went out with a non-virgin... In fact, he's only had one girlfriend who's also very very religious and a virgin ... and he IS gonna wait until marriage.... however he used to fancy another girl (also a virgin), but the moment she lost her virginity, he lost interest in her...

I dunno... I think it also depend upon the DEGREE of "religiousness" you have...
Reply 7
This may sound very upside down for some people, but personally I don't think I would marry someone without making sure we knew each other well enough to have slept together. Not trying to say that the sex itself is the most imporant thing in a relationship, but it is highly emotional and does alter a relationship quite significantly. As such I don't think I would feel ready to marry before it.

Btw, I was once visited by Jehova's vitnesses, once. For some reason they didnt bother to return altho they visited most of my friends at least twice :redface: I'm not that bad, honest!
Reply 8
I can't answer a) really, because i disaggree with religious ideas ruling my sex life(And religious ideas in general :biggrin:).....
b) If the girl was perfect....then I prolly could wait, as I don't feel the need to pressure people..
However, I general don't get girls like that, as I tend to share my feelings and views, and my views on religion aren't generally positive ones...
Reply 9
This may sound very upside down for some people, but personally I don't think I would marry someone without making sure we knew each other well enough to have slept together. Not trying to say that the sex itself is the most imporant thing in a relationship, but it is highly emotional and does alter a relationship quite significantly. As such I don't think I would feel ready to marry before it.

Btw, I was once visited by Jehova's vitnesses, once. For some reason they didnt bother to return altho they visited most of my friends at least twice :redface: I'm not that bad, honest!

I completely agree with you!
I wouldn't go out with anyone who didn't believe in sex before marriage as I feel you need to work out the compatibility between you. Sex is important to me and it's impossible to guess how good the sexual part of the relationship will be no matter how much you love the person.
Reply 11
Most people who don't believe in sex before marraige always say, 'oh sex isn't important, it doesn't matter what it will be like the first time on our wedding night, or if we aren't compatible'.. I think it does matter. I would want my wedding night to be perfect, if i had never slept with that person before, i would just feel nervous and awkward, and if you aren't compatible in bed (because it does happen!) you will soon realise that it is a problem. Yes, sex isn't everything, but it should be enjoyed, it's the best thing you can ever do with your partner, it should always be special. I could never marry anybody i hadn't had sex with.
In addition to the sex, I have had some bfs who I just can't sleep beside in bed, because they thrash around, snore and generally move around too much and keep me awake.
This may sound very upside down for some people, but personally I don't think I would marry someone without making sure we knew each other well enough to have slept together. Not trying to say that the sex itself is the most imporant thing in a relationship, but it is highly emotional and does alter a relationship quite significantly. As such I don't think I would feel ready to marry before it.

Very much agree :smile: I respect people who want to wait until they are married but I would prefer knowing everything about them including sex, esp as in my opinion sex brings people a bit closer
In addition to the sex, I have had some bfs who I just can't sleep beside in bed, because they thrash around, snore and generally move around too much and keep me awake.

In fairness, you get an awareness of these issues long before marriage.
i think going out with someone who believes in no sex b4 marriage if u dont share that beleif is being highly unrealistic. it just wouldnt work because one partner would be so sexually frustrated!

i could never ever marry a virgin 1) he would be **** in bed 2) i couldnt wait that long for bad sex 3) he wouldnt have had ne of that life experience and i would feel i was getting in the way of him learning about the joys of sex!! 4) i wouldnt want to be in the teacher role for the rest of my sexually active life

sex isnt the most important thing in a relationship but i need a man who can satisfy me. anything else would just be frustrating and lead to major issues. there is no point in having a relationship if it doesnt make u happy.
Reply 16
I am totally against religion... any kinda religion... (no offense to ANY religious people here, so please refrain from any stupid flames)... I really think it depends on the TYPE of person that I'd go out with... if she doesnt believe in sex-before-marriage BUT she's perfect for me, I would kinda refrain from hurrying into a relationship with her...

I have a friend who's TOTALLY religious... He sees anyone who's not a virgin before marriage as "touched" or "fornicated", and he's never went out with a non-virgin... In fact, he's only had one girlfriend who's also very very religious and a virgin ... and he IS gonna wait until marriage.... however he used to fancy another girl (also a virgin), but the moment she lost her virginity, he lost interest in her...

I dunno... I think it also depend upon the DEGREE of "religiousness" you have...

Flame :p:

I am religious but thought I would comment in a non-flamey way. I have to say your mate is being a bit dim in my opinion. Anyone who has sex before marriage is touched, but then again there is a lot of touching involved in sex. I was touched by the postman earlier when he handed me a letter, does that count? The random point I am trying to make is that when religious people use that language is just makes them sound a bit stupid.

I count myself as having a very high degree of "religiousness", to coin your phrase, and would certainly not have sex before marriage. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I wouldn't be in a relationship with someone who has. Some people do things when they are young they wish they hadn't done and then regret it. For your mate to exclude them from any possible relationship in the future undermines the whole idea of forgiveness and new beginnings.

Dunno really, just thought I'd point out that although I'd never have sex before marriage, I would date someone who has. The only issue for a Christian in my opinion is whether they can both wait.
Reply 17
sex before marriage is too much fun to be missing out on it
Reply 18
sex before marriage is too much fun to be missing out on it

u're my man!:biggrin:
Reply 19
Im religious, don't really believe in sex before marriage, but it wouldnt affect any choices I made regarding a partner, as I would make sure they knew my religious beliefs. If that person wouldnt be willing to respect my beliefs, they wouldnt be the right person for me. Similarly, if I wasnt religious and met someone who was no sex before marriage, I would respect their wishes to abstain.
After all, there are other things we can do :smile: