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Reply 1
and with 38 D breasts
Reply 2
Probably not.
Deary me. Look in the mirror.
Reply 4
Yes, who really knows without looking at you.

I'm sure your breasts are fantastic compensation though...
Reply 5
No. You're insecure. Give yourself an internal hug and smile.
Reply 6
I am sure you look amazing - if you are still worried post a picture ... then people will be able to comment more acuratly.
Reply 7
No you're not. If you're a little insecure I wouldn't suggest posting a pic incase some freak calls you pudgy.
Reply 8
I dunno... it seems that the moment someone puts their pic up on tsr everyone rushes to tell them how beautiful they are. I reckon she should put one up, she could do with the ego boost. :smile:
Big breasts are never fat breasts :smile: it always rocks :smile: just learn how to show them ina right way :smile:
Calculate your BMI, thats the best way of working it out.

check this site out
Reply 11
and with 38 D breasts

if you hadnt said this part, i'd have thought u were a guy... sorry.. i've seen guys with breasts before...:frown:
BMI has its critics. Last time I used that I was underweight. Going by the info above I don't think the OP is fat, since fat = obese.
Im 5 foot 3, and 10.5 stone and im not fat.. so you can't be.
Reply 14
What's 9 stone in kg?
(And what's 53kg in stone/lb whatever the weight? :smile:)

The breasts sound big but then I'm only small so everything bigger is 'big' to me. :rolleyes: I just don't like them much, they must be uncomfortable and it's just fat really.

I think you need to have a look at your bum/trouser size to say if you're fat or not.
Reply 15
you are plump
Reply 16
no you are not fat! i am the same height as u, im nine and a half stone, and have much bigger boobs!
every guy i know says that curvy women (like you and me) are more attractive than stick thin girls (might be something to do with more to hold on to :wink: )
i get served faster at the bar, get more compliments and enjoy my food that little bit more than most of the really thin girls i know.
really dont worry about it. sometimes i feel fat, but then i see photos of people like nicole richie, and i am happy with the extra attention i get cos of my curves!
hope this helped
Reply 17
38 is quite a big back size though?!
[1]I was about to sy that, Grace.

38D isn't neccessarily a big chest - its a big back.

We can't say whether or not you're fat though.
having a broad back doesn't necessarily make you fat (not attacking u or anything just thought i'd say)