It is really annoying me the way so many people are saying that people who cheat aren't in love with the person they cheated on. Most of the people who are saying this, i believe, are people who have never cheated so how can they form an opinion like that, they don't know how it feels. I cheated on my ex boyfriend once, not for a minute did i not love him until the moment i broke with him a few months later. Chating on someone does not mean you do love them, cheating is going in search of something that you are not egtting in the relationship, i'm sure many people who have cheated will agree that they didn't cheat because they didn;t love the person they cheated on. I loved my ex, I can admit i cheated on him and i can admit that it was wrong and i shouldn't have done it but, it doesn't mean i didn't love him. Cheating is something a person does on a time of desperation, for want of something.